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Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

  • RE: The Work of the Ancients

    One database that I'm working with has been in continuous use since SQL Server 7 in 1999. The major app on top of it has been totally rewritten 5...


    As to your question...

    Looks like table types will work with table variables to get to what you're after:

    CREATE TYPE ttypeTestTab AS TABLE (


  • RE: Formatted output

    What a great hack! It solves a problem that I've had shelved for some time now.

    Thanks, Keith!

  • RE: Formatted output

    Ah. Another human SQL parser error. The text() as a red herring alias really worked well.

    Thanks, Raul.

  • RE: Formatted output

    Sometimes my skills as a SQL parser could be a bit more...thorough.

    I missed the leading "N" in DepartmentName's definition.

    Your explanation makes great sense--now knowing that it...

  • RE: Formatted output


    SUBSTRING(Ms, 1, DATALENGTH(Ms)/ 2 - 1)


    ( SELECT

    DepartmentName + ';' AS [text()]


  • RE: While loop Testing

    I couldn't get PRINT to show the entire script. This really bugged me -- I had to see it. For those who are also morbidly curious about trivial...

  • RE: display values upto 1 decimal without function.

    Perhaps this:

    SELECT val, SUBSTRING(val,1,CHARINDEX('.', val)+1)+'%'

    FROM (VALUES ('99.87'), ('99.96'), ('8.67')) sampledata(val)

  • RE: display values upto 1 decimal without function.

    Perhaps this:

    SELECT val, SUBSTRING(val,1,CHARINDEX('.', val)+1)+'%'

    FROM (VALUES ('99.87'), ('99.96'), ('8.67')) sampledata(val)

  • RE: Reverse string without built in functions

    Just modify the next iteration call a bit, and the recursive solution works:

    ALTER function dbo.StringReverse


    @InString varchar(20)


    returns varchar(20)



    declare @RevString varchar(20)

    IF len(@InString) in (0,1)

    set @RevString = @InString


    set @RevString =



Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)