Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 55 total)

  • RE: The Skill Set of the Exceptional DBA


    I just got done reading your editorial about the “Exceptional” DBA. I am writing in response to your question about what I think makes an “Exceptional” DBA.

    I think my idea...

  • RE: Loading a 24x7 Data Warehouse

    Picture links are broken; is there an alternative location/URL for these links? Can I PM and get them e-mailed to me?


    James R.

  • RE: Get record count for a specific database

    John Esraelo (2/13/2008)

    I like using sp_msforeachtable for certain quick and dirty works.

    sp_msforeachtable as you know is a base function / sp that overloads some requests, meaning you can run...

  • RE: Get record count for a specific database

    John Esraelo (2/9/2008)

    I found this undocumented statement that works real well.

    sp_MSForEachTable 'sp_spaceused "?"'

    This statement will return a count for each table in your database / catalog.

    Make sure that your query...

  • RE: Get record count for a specific database


    I apologize for the delay in the response; I wanted to ensure that I was thorough in my research and testing to give you my best opinion of the answer....

  • RE: Get record count for a specific database


    Thanks for the compliment. Most of the credit must go to ‘meird[/url]’; I simply had an idea that could possibly improve the usage of the results and provide a more...

  • RE: Feedback

    Great topic Steve!

    I think you hit it right on the head for corporate life. I do admit that smaller corporations and businesses have a step up on this type situation....

  • RE: The Easy Poll

    Yeah, I'd sure love a SP3...then maybe in a few months an SP4 for the SP3; maybe by the time SQL 2008 comes out we could be up to SP5....

  • RE: Testing

    I don't agree with the financial background being indicative of someone's willingness to perform a criminal activity. I've been in financial debt to the point of considering bankruptcy, and at...

  • RE: Testing

    I'm all for the majority of checks that companies will use. However, I feel that there are some that can be misleading or unfair to the potential employment candidate.


  • RE: Curiosity won’t hurt this cat…

    I happened to be reading the 'Database Weekly Update for 12/31/2007' and came across KB # 945127[/url], ‘FIX: YOU MAY STILL EXPERIENCE THE PERFORMANCE ISSUE THAT IS DESCRIBED IN KB...

  • RE: Protocols

    Steve Jones - Editor (12/30/2007)

    All answers have been marked correct.

    All praises to Steve for making it a happier New Year!!

    Happy New Year all!


  • RE: Protocols

    I gotta say that I agree with everyone else on this one; the question was a bit of a tricky question in that "Named Pipes" is technically enabled, even if...

  • RE: Curiosity won’t hurt this cat…

    Hi Don,

    I agree that my *problem* is most likely different. I also agree that if I had been experiencing something that would be effecting my work then contemplation of a...

  • RE: Curiosity won’t hurt this cat…

    Thanks for your response Chirag; the Table Schema Definitions is an intriguing thought. I haven't read previously to watch for this with that. What makes this really bizarre is that...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 55 total)