Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 55 total)
Thank you for the compliment.
It absolutely is wonderful to see the row count for each table, the purpose behind the final (total) count is very useful in cases of replication...
February 10, 2009 at 11:34 am
Steve, and everyone else...
Thanks for the great compliments!
Yes, as mentioned in my article, there is no performance benefit to multiple log files. It seems the only benefit is file management...
January 5, 2009 at 10:32 am
Those SPs you listed in regards to not having the "Is_MS_Shipped" flag should, in fact, NOT have the flag. They should not be marked as being shipped from Microsoft because...
July 29, 2008 at 10:31 am
Essentially there is no difference between the two views except for when they were created; however, sysobjects is a SQL 2000 view and was left in SQL 2005 for backward...
July 29, 2008 at 9:39 am
The problem with using sys.procedures is it ONLY lists out the user created Stored Procedures; this article was in regards to finding ALL procedures (including the MS provided SPs and...
July 29, 2008 at 9:16 am
Actually, the sentence is correct but can easily be mis-read.
The second part of the sentence is saying that you should not use anything you have not thoroughly tested in a...
July 29, 2008 at 12:32 am
Thank you for the nice remarks.
As pointed out in previous posts; the correct location to create stored procedures that are distributed to new databases is to use the 'model' database....
July 28, 2008 at 3:23 pm
Thank you to everyone for the great comments on additional methods to obtain the same data; and especially to those that have methods that could improve on the speed of...
July 28, 2008 at 9:53 am
Have you considered using the Bulk-Logged Recovery Model?
BOL has a good section called "Prerequisites for Minimal Logging in Bulk Import" (
Maybe, this will help ease your burden...
July 8, 2008 at 4:43 pm
To illustrate further on what Charles is saying, think in the terms of a large organization that has many, many transactions per day. Imagine that your servers are at peak...
July 8, 2008 at 4:34 pm
Thank you for pointing out the write-ahead specification (to both Charles and Stephanie). This is actually a standard that is followed to ensure that any changes to data are ACID...
July 2, 2008 at 1:55 pm
This is a quick update to a major typo in the article.
In the section titled "Shrinking the Log"; I typed in that the command FILESHRINK is used to shrink...
July 2, 2008 at 10:06 am
Thank you for the great detailed history there! 🙂
James Rea
July 2, 2008 at 9:23 am
Thank you for the kind comments. This article originally started based on there being so many people asking why the transaction log suddenly ballooned in size over night, then the...
July 2, 2008 at 9:21 am
This further illuatrates my point. An exceptional DBA that can answer 'why' must be able to research the subject. They must know what the right question is to ask, and...
April 20, 2008 at 10:53 am
Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 55 total)