Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

  • RE: A Natural Key Sequence Design

    Thank you for the discussion; one of my problems is that the targets exist without respect to the test and are applied to a test based on the tests' customer...

  • RE: A Natural Key Sequence Design

    Yes, that is how I will need to write the application - regardless of wheather I am able to implement it within the DB Schema or Application Business Logic;


  • RE: Reporting from many SQL Servers

    If you have the option of using replication, create a "Data Mart" as Microsoft and others call them. Your local server will consist of a database that is the subscriber...

  • RE: SQL2005 Merge Pull Subscription Uninitialized


    Database Developer


    Web Sync Update:


    I was able to get assistance from MIS to set up their load balancer to speak SSL to SSL to...

  • RE: SQL2005 Merge Pull Subscription Uninitialized


    So far no solutions...

    I have found that the LAN issue may be due to domain securities. The test machine that is working is running on the same domain as...


    It is true that either method should work. I would check that their is not a block due to constraints or relationships and that the security used within your DTS...

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)