Forum Replies Created

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

  • RE: modifying / replacing text in a text column

    OK.  Now I think I understand where you are coming from.  I was am not trying to be lazy, I just didn't fully understand what you were saying until you...

  • RE: modifying / replacing text in a text column

    I am aware that what I am trying to do is not ideal, but I don't have too many other options.  The only reason I am using this text field,...

  • RE: Temporary table within trigger

    Actually, the table variable cannot be used in the updatetext statement. 

  • RE: Temporary table within trigger

    Yeah, just found that.

    The problem is I need to update the text in the WKT field.  The field is type TEXT and I can't get around this.  I need to...

  • RE: Temporary table within trigger

    You little beauty. 

    I read just about everything I could find on table variables, and no where did I see mentioned you have to specifically define in a new declare...

  • RE: Temporary table within trigger

    OK.  Here is the trigger code.  Got to promise not to laugh though, it is not pretty and is slow, but it does what I need it to.  I am...

  • RE: Temporary table within trigger

    Sorry, just typed it wrong in here.

    I did have

    declare @h1 table(SW_MEMBER int, WKT text)

  • RE: Altering text in column type text

    OK.  I have been playing with this trigger for a while now, and all seemed to be going fine.  That was until I needed to apply the change to a...

  • RE: Altering text in column type text

    Thanks Mark, I will let you know how I go.  By the way, I am not that worried about good T-SQL, as long as it works for now.  Efficiency comes...

  • RE: Altering text in column type text


    You post was mighty helpful, just about did everything I every wanted.  The only other thing was replacing the POLYGON text that pops up multiple times in each...

  • RE: Altering text in column type text

    Thanks Mark for the suggestion

    OK, the design of the column of intersest is as follows

    Column Name Data Type Length Allow Nulls

    WKT             TEXT       16        Y

    A couple truncated rows:

    GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POLYGON((143.24696 -38.701896,143.246858 -38.701941,143.246781 -38.701956,143.246573...

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)