Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 137 total)

  • RE: The Build Buy Debate

    Yes - that is a real problem - they are happy to "snatch" the free code from the open source projects but don't give anything back - ironically they are...

  • RE: Timeout expired when altering table

    Yeah - altering a table with a million records through the GUI = brave man

  • RE: The Build Buy Debate

    Jeroen van der Wal (10/23/2007)

    We are also in a build/buy debate but now considering the option where we take an Open Source ERP framework (Ofbiz) and customize it to our...

  • RE: Width of column

    It is good to have the option on to generate scripts anyway (however much you like/dislike the SQL produced) - as this reminds you that you should have scripted!

    Pity the...

  • RE: DATE TIME Issue

    As others have said issue is the varchar comparison - I would use something like

    select 1 where getdate() <= convert(datetime,convert(varchar(10),'01/01/2008',103),103)

  • RE: how to join two tables from different servers

    Create linked server with sproc sp_addlinkedserver - also you may need to create linked server login using sp_addlinkedsrvlogin see SQL docs for info on both of these.

    Then to assuming your...

  • RE: DB Name Aliasing

    I would love the ability to have alias names for both servers and databases - it would make setting up test environments so much easier and also make the migration...

  • RE: SQL Server 2000 on VMware - Advantages/Disadvantages

    I work for a client where they are looking at doing something similar. The great thing about VM's is you can get one up and running real fast once the...

  • RE: Upgrade sql server 2000 to 2005 on VMWare

    I think your confusion is on the version info - this is giving you the info of the SQL Server version/sp and the OS version/sp

    The bit in "Microsoft SQL...

  • RE: Slow process

    Aprat from other suggestions make sure you have not got AutoShrink on - I have seen this get locked up when doing massive operations.

    Remember that data is stored in the...

  • RE: Creating indexes in large tables

    As has been hinted at in other posts the performance depends a lot on whether or not the index you are (re)creating is clustered or not. In simple terms a...

  • RE: best size for TEMPDB

    Looking atthe error you are hitting it is actually the log on tempdb that is filling - and there is generally not much point in transaction logs on tempdb beyond...

  • RE: Finding where a column name has been used

    Possibly easier to remember for column names in tables is to use the INFORMATION_SCHEMA views SQL sets up for ADO i.e.:


    Adjust SELECT *...

  • RE: Moving database from one machine to another

    Simplest thing I have found is detach the database files on the first server, copy them to the second (if v. big then copying first to some sort of NTFS...

  • RE: Copying DTS Packages To a Different Server

    DTSBackup2000 is the one for me - as it also allows you to save away copies of the jobs in its own format that preserves layout etc (not on any...

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 137 total)