Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 56 total)


    Did you execute queries 1 & 2 in seperate query windows to the initial? Yes

    If you did do that, did you execute them while the transaction was running or after...

  • RE: The Worst Comments

    Graphic sexually explicit comments. Lots of them.

  • RE: SSIS data conversion error

    Did you look up the error codes? There are usually good pointers attached to them.

  • RE: What Do You Want to Learn?

    "I find the challenge of learning more about a technology or feature of SQL Server to be exciting, and it seems there's no shortage of new things I'd like to...

  • RE: Effectiveness

    In the computer world, the call center world, the farming world.....I could go on. But in many lines of work there seems to be this tendency to pit efficient...

  • RE: DBA Roles and Responsibilties

    Jeff's right. Escalate the issue and start looking for jobs. Businesses do not long need employees that are relegated to "look for their own things to do".

  • RE: Stunned

    Definitely NOT disappointed in Steve.

    Good to know he too has a dream!

  • RE: Do You Want a Meritocracy at Work?

    I work in such a system and I love it.

  • RE: A Quick Count

    Seriously, Steve, how can I buy a shirt?

    I'm a big fan of the site. You, the other pro's and even the rookies have helped me out very often, and...

  • RE: Is Empowerment Good?

    Disagree completely. The question of whether we should or should not be doing something is what leads to advancement. If we never asked that, we would just have faster ways...

  • RE: Is Empowerment Good?

    Well, Steve, I remember when an IBM Selectric typewriter was cool, all you needed for calculus was a TI-30 and callers could actually leave messages if you didn't answer your...

  • RE: The On-call Demands

    I am never on call. I made it a condition of employment. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt a long time ago. My work is highly...

  • RE: Skipping April Fools

    Seriously? I got it wrong? The question clearly asks:

    What type of humor would you have performed yesterday on someone? I responded with the correct answer for ME, since...

  • RE: The Maintenance Poll

    Do you have regular maintenance scheduled? No

    When you patch systems or make changes, how does that impact your schedule during the week? It doesn't

    Do you get any comp time...

  • RE: Data Growth

    This is a great topic, although there’s a cost aspect I think may be overlooked. It is my read that IT organizations are mitigating growing costs by hiring less...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 56 total)