Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 312 total)

  • RE: extended property for all columns of all tables

    You lost me on that last post. I understand what yaml is and I can see if being beneficial. I am lost on how you are using it...

  • RE: extended property for all columns of all tables

    That was great helped me out so I can export properties and I added column definitions. Currently I am putting my descriptions in just saying MS_Description. Should I...

  • RE: multi user enviroment that needs to know when data changes

    I looked into both those solutions. They are very specific solutions being that you would have queries that would be registered with notifications so it knows when the...

  • RE: xpcmdshell

    I am actually not starting a application. I agree it should not maintain this. When I grab the log file this app produces it sometimes hangs. ...

  • RE: xpcmdshell

    Yeah I just tried your test and that is weird I would have thought that would have worked. I am going to try and do a .bat file to...

  • RE: xpcmdshell

    If I run it from the cmd prompt it minimizes the app on the desktop. When I do it from Shell it does not minimize

  • RE: constraint name more than 65 characters

    Thanks I did not think so.

  • RE: Trigger issue

    I am thinking that when it query the record already exists so it errors. Is there a way to check the record before it exists?

  • RE: Constraints

    In Carl's reply that is what I was looking for. I read about that on BOL. In Barry's last comment I would need two views so i could...

  • RE: Constraints

    yes exactly.

    there would be one on filter = 0 and then one on filter = 1

    The table probably should have been split but there is already existing...

  • RE: Constraints

    Can you give me an example of how I could make something like this request work? I am thinking a trigger can reinforce it but I do not think...

  • RE: Constraints

    I need the check on there. I have seen constraints that use udfs but I think that would be a bad idea...correct? So there is no way to...

  • RE: Select Data in XML

    Awesome thanks. Works great.

  • RE: Indexed View Vs Temp Table

    I would say use the temp table if it used a lot in the ROLAP build and is not run frequently.

    If this query is run a lot from different procedures...

  • RE: Database(s) Design

    ya know I thought about this quite a bit and I think it is just screwed up. I had some coffee and then some tea (thinking tea) and I...

Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 312 total)