Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 196 through 210 (of 312 total)

  • RE: Delete Script

    This is looping through multiple children and then deleting out there children.




    order group


  • RE: OnXXX Logging

    Are you sure this is it. That is alot easier then Jamie's logging. As for the connection string how does it work with the expression? Or better...

  • RE: OnXXX Logging

    Would you be able to give me an example how to do that. that is where I am currently failing. I know what I want to do but...

  • RE: Making a cascade delete work with a trigger

    I completely agree with the design flaw.

    The first one was that they designed a database and then decided how they want to delete data.

    The second one is that the rules...

  • RE: Making a cascade delete work with a trigger

    I am at the same point. I am not sure about the order if I need to change the trigger so it fires before the FK. Or even if...

  • RE: Delete script

    Yes in this case there is no need to retain history. they are trying to write a program that will work on SQL express 2K5. Since there is...

  • RE: Delete script

    Both those scripts look good but I have a few problems.

    The user using the sp will not have permissions to alter a table. So I can not disable FK...

  • RE: FK constraint

    That is it. Did not see it when I looked. Thanks

  • RE: Cascade delete

    I am sorry I must have missed this ON DELETE CASCADE. That was way to easy.

  • RE: project could not be deployed

    That was a while back but if I remember right it was a permissions issue. Once I got the permissions right for the server I was good to go.

  • RE: Active Directory

    No I can not boot those. Those are both under serious activity. I think I have tried that before and it worked. I think it may be...

  • RE: Active Directory

    1. When I added the user to the SQL box with domain\Name the person gets the permissions. If I go to the domain controller it does not...

  • RE: Add Group or User

    I appreciate the response. Yes that is what I figured out. the video I was watching off a webcast showed it differently so I thought something was messed...

  • RE: ''''Complex'''' statements to work out churn

    with out a SQL statement I would think it should look something like this

    select UID FROM Tbl_UID WHERE

    UID IN (Select UID FROM tb_UID Where UID_Active = 1 and login_Date >=...

  • RE: ORA-12154 TNS could not resolve service name when testing Oracle data source

    I have also gotten that Ora error. a few things to look into

    1) make sure to install the 8i odbc driver

    2) if you are on a 64 bit machine the...

Viewing 15 posts - 196 through 210 (of 312 total)