Forum Replies Created

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

  • RE: New Column Updates

    Ians, I believe you can use it for production.

    The last value assigned to @LastKey is the largest NameKey in the set because the update query definitely uses the index [LargeTable__IE1].

  • RE: New Column Updates

    I think this could do the job...

    set nocount on


    declare @rowcount int, @batchcount int, @rowsupdated int

    declare @LastKey nvarchar(341)

    select @rowcount = 1,@batchcount = 0, @rowsupdated = 0, @LastKey =...

  • RE: Converting Hexadecimal String Values to Alpha (ASCII) Strings

    Thank you Jeff, I was too sleepy to run comparison tests myself last night.

    Your input length condition is a nice touch.

    But no Jeff, it not a cross-join nor generates 65,536...

  • RE: Converting Hexadecimal String Values to Alpha (ASCII) Strings

    How about this? No dynamic SQL, no (explicit) loop. Just a permanent lookup table.


    declare @dec2hex1 table (

    id smallint identity(0,1),

    hex1 char(1)


    insert into @dec2hex1 (hex1)

    select top 16 null from sysobjects

    update @dec2hex1


Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)