Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 311 total)

  • RE: Selecting from temp table outside SP?


    DO post the infamous stored proc.

    I remember way back when I began programming. How to find the determinant of a matrix. In this example, the guy tried it on a...

  • RE: while ((select * from x ) is not null)

    Don't worry. We only kick repeat offenders.

    OUCH! OUCH!! OUCH!!! ...

  • RE: The Hassles of Travel

    Anye Mercy (1/15/2009)

    To me there is a distinction between business travel and fun travel.

    But vacation, that's something else. I live for vacation.

    I don't think anyone enjoys...

  • RE: Setting User Permissions

    Michael Valentine Jones

    Create database roles for different types of user access, assign database and object permissions to database roles only, and then add individual users to the...

  • RE: Where 1 = 1

    As far as a server option to make a WHERE clause required, I can see some benefit, but it really is to protect idiots from themselves.

    If you type:

    [font="Courier New"]DELETE MyTable


  • RE: Where 1 = 1

    GSquared (1/9/2009)

    I've seen requests to Microsoft to make having a Where clause on every query be required, with the solution to unrestricted queries that they could have something like "Where...

  • RE: need a simple query

    From the listings given for both tables, I can see no primary key.

    So you might first give a serious look at the design of the database.

    How do you want to...

  • RE: User Defined Function: order by won't work

    instead of in an outer query

    Yup. I drifted away from the original question.

  • RE: User Defined Function: order by won't work

    I might be missing something, but how about creating a sorting key when populating the table and the selecting from table order by sortkey...

  • RE: Preferred singer for expert DBA

    That was funny!

    And the "humor" category was almost a give-away.

    Keep 'em comin'.

  • RE: Multi-column primary keys

    The SSN was designed for the convenience of the government. Period.

    In Canada, the Social Insurance Number (equivalent to the SSN in the US) was used to cross-link information on...

  • RE: BCP is padding rows with H

    Thank you for completing your question. That gives it some value for anyone who encounters a smimlar problem.

    This avoids having the forum polluted with dead questions when the author just...

  • RE: Multi-column primary keys

    This is interesting. Though I am a bit surprised a law would cover such a specific technical detail (primary key).

    The OP has not confirmed if this is indeed the case,...

  • RE: Name ,Type Words turns blue color in query window

    Blinking RED.

    OUCH !

    Merry Christmas.

  • RE: Name ,Type Words turns blue color in query window

    -> JonhG


    Embarcadero does raise an issue with using reserved keywords as column names. If you do not use Embarcadero, then no problem.

    As for colid, not it is not a reserved...

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 311 total)