Forum Replies Created

Viewing 14 posts - 1,051 through 1,064 (of 1,064 total)

  • RE: Using "LIKE" in Stored Proc

    You need to add the % character to the value of the variable, not the variable name:-


    ( @theName varchar(20) )


    SELECT field1, field2

    FROM myTable

    WHERE field1 LIKE @theName +...

  • RE: Columns updated history

    You will need to use a Trigger on the table being updated.

    Inside the trigger you can use the IF UPDATE(columnname) to see if the SQL statement had a SET...

  • RE: Moving DTS Packages Between Servers

    You could also use Dynamic properties to read from a table in the database.

    Another way is to use Server 'Aliases' - write your package to use the Alias name instead...

  • RE: Stored procedure delay problem

    You may be suffering from Stored Procedure recompilation.

    Try running Profiler and speficially look for the events SP Recompile.

    SQL server often decides to recompile a stored procedure if the underlying data...

  • RE: Strange pb with osql

    I think your problem is to do with the way SQL Server is interpreting dates, i.e. it is interpreting them as US format (mm/dd/yyyy) instead of European (dd/mm/yyyy).

    Executing a SET...

  • RE: Stored procedure delay problem

    The code should run procedurally, so there's no way one statement should run before the previous one has finished.

    I think you need to look elsewhere for the problem.


    Just do where table1.typeid = nnn or table2.typeid = nnn etc etc

  • RE: Triggers

    Inside the trigger, the global variable @@procid will give you the object id for the trigger being executed.

    If you use that id to look up the sysobjects table (i.e....

  • RE: Performance when using UDF


    Unfortunately I cannot post the UDF (for security reasons - even though there is nothing secret in the functions, I'm not allowed to post the code).

    However, what the UDF...

  • RE: Alter table question

    Have you considered using SELECT INTO to create another table with the new column in the correct place in the SELECT statement. You can then drop the original table and...

  • RE: Using CASE to make a dynamic Order By

    SQL Server takes the data type for the order by column from the first item in the CASE list. In your case, CompetitorId, which is an integer.

    If you sort by...

  • RE: No osql User or Password?

    If you don't specify the -U or -P options when running OSQL, SQL Server 2000 will attempt to connect using Windows Authentication.

    I suspect one server is configured for Windows...

  • RE: Understanding Your Identity

    In reply to gambini's request for clarification:-

    Consider the following scenario:-

    User1 has a long running transaction that includes adding a row to a table with an identity.

    User2 has a short transaction...

  • RE: Understanding Your Identity

    If Identities were allocated as part of a transaction, then the allocation of identities for any other connections would be locked out until the end of the transaction.

    The concurrency and...

Viewing 14 posts - 1,051 through 1,064 (of 1,064 total)