Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 49 total)

  • RE: Stored Procedures Reconsidered

    In a previous role, I worked with an architecture that expected you to declare name of the stored procedure in a code attribute at the top of the method -...

  • RE: Stored Procedures Reconsidered

    I've read all the above and still come down on the side of using stored procs for as much db access as possible.

    They blackbox the schema from the client/app server/web...

  • RE: Dreams of the Future

    yes, please do!

  • RE: When You're Out of the Office

    I'd add another recommendation for the Jack Reacher series.

    Take a look a the work of Quintin Jardine as well. He does two series: Bob Skinner and Oz...

  • RE: The November Car Update


    Take a look at this article about the Prius from the current (Jan 08) issue of PC Pro:

    My concern with it is that if you want to make an energy...

  • RE: Free Training

    Ninja's_RGR'us (9/27/2007)

    What do you mean??? Oracle!?

    Or as we know it round here - 'Orrible.

  • RE: The September Energy Update

    I saw something recently about ground-heat pumps. Maybe that's something worth your looking into - although the upfront cost would be quite high.

  • RE: Challenge Yourself

    Yep, the comments should be fairly a high-level description of the coder's intent.

    If the two don't match then the reviewer has to ask questions...

  • RE: Challenge Yourself

    I've always thought that comments were a description of what you intended the code to do. You don't get this info by reading the code - you just get...

  • RE: Prizes

    tHrash - not trash!

  • RE: Prizes

    How about giving a track-day as a prize - you get to drive/thrash a Ferrari/Lambo/Aston on a track.

  • RE: Learning SOA

    I'm quite happy with Amazon's page layout. It's far easier and quicker to read a table layout than "Walking down corridors, walking over to the checkout and being greeted...

  • RE: Cheap Power

    "...for instance charging small appliances like cellphones and toothbrushes..."

    Hey, here's an idea - why not use a manual toothbrush? If part of the energy generation issue is the rate of...

  • RE: What''s the Right Thing?

    I hope I would have contacted Amazon to query the pricing.

    DBuchan, I don't think I'd be on the "pink slip warpath". People make mistakes. Good people make...

  • RE: Easy Listening

    Queen's Greatest Hits would be in there - the two CD edition. Does that count as one or two?

    Of course, the number one album, the first one to mind, the...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 49 total)