Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 45 total)

  • RE: DTS package connecting to Oracle server errors in

    Have you tested the Oracle ODBC connection with something like MS Access? What version of the Oracle ODBC driver are you using?

  • RE: Update Trigger Help...?

    FYI, in SQL Server the trigger fires once, reguarless of the number of rows effected. So you may want to walk the inserted table with a cursor.

  • RE: Too many messages on opening and closing data file

    It will decrease the size of your errorlog since there will be fewer messages and it should improve performance a bit. As for the transaction log, I have no idea.



  • RE: Documentation

    Embarcadero ERStudio, you can download a x day demo that at least used to have the documentor enabled. It gives you a lot of information and it can save...

  • RE: Ora-01652: unable to extend temp segment by

    No problem. 5.5 GB of temp spaced used? How big is the Oracle DB just out of curiosity.

  • RE: Ora-01652: unable to extend temp segment by

    expand the Temporary tablespace....


    create temporary tablespace temp

    tempfile '/whatever/temp03.dbf' size 300M

    extent management local;

  • RE: MS SQL Server 2000 vs Oracle

    Ok I guess all the links are covered. So here is my $.02.

    Oracle features I wish SQL Server had

    -- Function based indexes

    -- Read locking model

    -- Java stored procedures

    Let the debate...

  • RE: Confusing query plan

    If the table is going to take up more than a couple of pages, use a clustered index. Otherwise you can get a 'heap' where the query hops all over...

  • RE: General Network Errors

    Version of SQL Server? What version is the ODBC driver? So really old (3+ years) versions of the driver used to toss these errors all the time.

  • RE: Storing an Excel Sheet in an SQL field.

    Ok, some thoughts about why you shouldn't put them in the DB. I will grant you this is a bit old school in thinking but it is something to...

  • RE: Storing an Excel Sheet in an SQL field.

    I guess the question would be, why store it in the database at all. Unless you are going to query the field, why not just store it in a...

  • RE: Killing idle users

    Just make sure it does not take a snapshot in time and comapre it to another snapshot in time otherwise you may take out users you don't mean to.


  • RE: Snapshot too old: ORA-01555

    Depending on the hardware the machines are running on, version of Oracle, version of the ODBC driver that rate seems reasonable. You are bringing back 875,000 rows. That is...

  • RE: Strange error from QA

    Do you get the error right away or during the CURSOR_TBLDEF loop? If is is during CURSOR_TBLDEF loop perhaps SQL is grabing a big chunck of the syscomments...

  • RE: Collation conflict in join condition

    FYI: You can get a problem like this is the colation is different on tempdb that your db if you are joining on a temp table.

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 45 total)