Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 157 total)

  • RE: create or replace

    I'm just trying to be lazy here.

    In Oracle (I think it is) you can write

    Create or Replace Procedure xxx

    and not have to write an entire novel, just...

  • RE: ASP - Reaping the benefits of SQL 2000's FOR XML

    Leon, Andy

    <<create a new blank text file on your desktop, then rename to something like a.udl. >>

    Nice trick, except that I didn't notice at first that it had to be...

  • RE: ASP - Reaping the benefits of SQL 2000's FOR XML


    <<cn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=Northwind;Data Source=xzy">>

    That is a different connection string from the one I use, and the one Leon has used. Once I got your connection string working,...

  • RE: ASP - Reaping the benefits of SQL 2000's FOR XML

    I'm now sure that I've got MDAC 2.7 installed, and SQL2K Sp2. I just installed both of them. Here is the complete list of properties that objCmd has. There is...

  • RE: ASP - Reaping the benefits of SQL 2000's FOR XML

    Here is what I did:

    sub GetAdoVersion()

    Dim o

    On Error Resume Next

    Set o = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")


  • RE: ASP - Reaping the benefits of SQL 2000's FOR XML


    I have ADO2.6.

    On the line

    objcmd.Properties("Output Stream").Value=xml

    I get

    Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.

    Kind regards


  • RE: Need program to generate DB Test Data


    You could also create your own script, by using a cross join, as in

    USE pubs

    SELECT au_fname, au_lname, pub_name

    FROM authors CROSS JOIN publishers

    ORDER BY au_lname DESC

    I've done that to create...

  • RE: SQL 7 Trans log too big. How shrinK


    << What happened in my case was that the DB backup failed to run >>

    I think I know why we got the big log file then.

    It's a bit...

  • RE: SQL 7 Trans log too big. How shrinK


    I've recently seen a log file that was 44 GB big.

    The system had almost stopped working.

    We've not been able to figure out why the log file had grown to this...

  • RE: Need help with Index basics


    I've had good use of the Index Analyzer. It has come up with good suggestions, even if I had added the indexes that I thought were useful.

    But to do that...

  • RE: Need to copy structure but not contents


    Thank you very much for your reply.

    I've also seen an Ad for a product called Red-gate on this site.

    In fact I saw it just after having posted my question <g>.


  • RE: 36 mb csv import


    Thank you very much.

    Quite impressive figures.


    >I check the log on what was run last night.


    >It took 119 seconds for the conversion into the holding table and 7 seconds for...

  • RE: 36 mb csv import


    Would you mind telling us how many records the 36 mb file import came to?

    About 100 + 5 seconds sounds fast.

    This might be a good road to go down, on...

  • RE: Perform index analysis


    Thank you for your help. I have managed to become a dbo of the database. Great.

    Now I must not make any mistakes, and delete stuff that belongs to somebody else.


  • RE: Perform index analysis


    Thank you for your help. I have managed to become a dbo of the database. Great.

    Now I must not make any mistakes, and delete stuff that belongs to somebody else.


Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 157 total)