Forum Replies Created

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

  • RE: The Best Kept Secret About SQL Query Analyzer

    A very useful trick.

    Thank you.

    Henrik Staun Poulsen

    Stovi Software, Denmark

  • RE: sp_executesql bug?


    I've tried both 'default' and ('default') to no avail. The parameter comes from my C# application, where I've skipped (not added) the @U parameter, because I want the...

  • RE: sp_executesql bug?

    I've done further tests, and it looks as if there is a 64 byte limit on the length of the parameters. Anyone else seen this?


  • RE: SQLAnswers Review

    Hi Evgueni,

    The Out-of-process feature is indeed a major difference.  PDFs as well. Thanks for spelling it out clearly.



  • RE: SQLAnswers Review

    We use a program called Blat.exe, which is free, and can be found at

    I call it from xp_cmdshell, and it works great.

    Best regards

    Henrik Staun Poulsen

    Stovi Software, Denmark


  • RE: Monitoring Drive and Database Free Space

    Hi Mark,

    It works. Running DBCC UPDATEUSAGE works.

    Thank you very much for your script, and for your help.

    Best regards,

    Henrik Staun Poulsen


  • RE: Monitoring Drive and Database Free Space

    Hi Mark,

    Thank you very much for writing back to me, even just before I go on holiday (today) as well. I have tried DBCC UPDATEUSAGE (dbname) locally, and found problems,...

  • RE: Compact an Access Database from DTS


    We're doing pretty much the same job as you are, and DTS runs just fine. If your only problem is that you cannot clear down the Access db, then it...

  • RE: Compact an Access Database from DTS


    I've tried getting DTS to delete records from an Access database to no avail. I ended up running a "copy" command to get an new empty copy of my Access database....

  • RE: Monitoring Drive and Database Free Space


    I'm getting a negative free_DB_Space for two of our databases. When running these two queries:   select size, maxsize 'maxsize' from sysfiles where (status & 64 = 0) compute sum(size)


  • RE: Backup in another machine

    I think that this line has been forgotten:

    dbcc traceon (1807)

    it should be added at the top.

    It enables SQL Server to backup to a network disk.

    So my script looks like this:


Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)