Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 22 total)

  • RE: (MAX(R.Number_of_records)+1) except where there are no records

    MAX and NULL does not work as someone stated, run this:


    TABLE #t


    TABLE #t



  • RE: Connect command

    I'm not familiar with Oracle, but you might want to check out the stored procedures



    They help you run queries on another server.


  • RE: Running A SP on a different Db

    You might need to use:

    sp_addlinkedserver - to make the other server visible

     & sp_addlinkedsrvlogin - to authenticate your call



  • RE: Is more fater the execution of a store procedure?

    I can't answer your question, but I have noticed that identical queries run from QA and

    from an application can take radically different time. My conclusion when I ran across this was that...

  • RE: Assigning Group ID

    When I simplyfied the table this way I realized that the solution is rather obvious. I'll create a new table insert the distinct MyValue values and generate the group ID...

  • RE: Peculiar ISNULL behavior on field in implicit table

    Have you upgraded to SP4? I remember hearing that there was some kind of NULL-related bug in SP3a. I do not know if this was it though.

  • RE: Getting column headers

    If you use .NET (presumably ) and load a dataset from the query you should be able to get the columnnames from the table...

  • RE: Getting column headers

    If you use .NET (presumably ) and load a dataset from the query you should be able to get the columnnames from the table...

  • RE: Error during restore

    I have the backup restored on another server and can therefore check the actual sizes of the files. Therefore I think I can say with great certainty that there is no...

  • RE: Error during restore

    Unlimited, unfortunately.


  • RE: Error during restore

    Ok I'm going to my customer this afternoon. I'm going to copy the actual files (MDF & LDF) and then try to attach...

  • RE: Error during restore

    Yes, then it claimed I did not have enough memory. I know this to be untrue.


  • RE: Error during restore


    Thanks for your suggestion. I Tried it now. The paths was incorrect, but when I corrected them the restore gave the same result.

    Any other takers?



  • RE: Commit within Cursor

    Can't say I'm extremly sure what you want, but it seems to me that you should be able to replace this line:

      set @plseq = (Select max(plseq)+1 from iams..poline

       where PLPO...

  • RE: Function "never" returns

    Well, I solved my problem, but not THE problem.

    Instead of a function that returns a table variable I used a SP that stored the data in a permanent table and...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 22 total)