Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1,321 through 1,335 (of 1,417 total)

  • RE: Divide by zero error encountered......

    b_boy (9/24/2008)


    sum(case datepart(yy,t.orderdate) when 2008 then 1. else 0. end) /

    sum(case datepart(yy,t.orderdate) when 2007 then 1. else 0. end)) - 100. as 'Percent Change'

    from t_orderline tl inner join t_items...

  • RE: insert values in to table and and save using storedprocedue

    Please use capitals, punctuation and linefeeds for readability!!!

    Can't you just leave the EmpDeptName out of the third query??

  • RE: left outer join

    juliane26 (9/24/2008)

    So I follow that in table B I have more than one entry for each value in c1. (I will check on this)

    If so - why does...

  • RE: left outer join

    A LEFT OUTER JOIN never returns less rows then the left table (table A in your sample). But if table B is joined to table A in a one-to-many relation,...

  • RE: varchar to datetime

    You can add a column of type DateTime to the table. Try to convert the dates from the varchar column to dates in the datetime column. You can do this...

  • RE: Limitations on db_ddladmin ?

    can you specify what they tried to modify? And are you sure it was in the correct database where you assigned them the ddl_admin rights to?

    from BOL:

    Members of the db_ddladmin...

  • RE: job that sends notification based on query result

    You can use the following SP sp_send_dbmail inside your job/query to send a mail. If you wrap this inside an IF statement the mail is sent when a condition is...

  • RE: unstallation

    On the Microsoft download site you have links to the setup documentation and a readme file.

    But it basically comes down to:

    - backup your server

    - backup your databases

    - install SP2

  • RE: Accessing and changing data 2008

    bitbucket (9/23/2008)

    I would like to thank all who have commented. I have learned a little more to apply to any additional QOD that I may submit. Please note...

  • RE: Accessing and changing data 2008

    According to the link provided in the answer, the query with the GROUPING SETS equals the query with the GROUP BY and UNION ALL.

    The correct answer of QotD should be...

  • RE: How to recover a accidently deleted Table?

    suhas.kanade (9/22/2008)

    Is there any other way to recover it?

    What way(s) did you try? Didn't it work? What errors did you encounter?

  • RE: last time table is accessed

    I will start with a combination of two approaches. First I will run a trace for a week or two that captures all statements with the tablename(s). If no statements...

  • RE: last time table is accessed

    Steve Jones - Editor (9/18/2008)

    I'd rename the table. That will tell you if it's still being used.


    If you suggest this, I know another approach. Rename all tables and change it...

  • RE: last time table is accessed

    I also thought of triggers. The downside of triggers is that they don't act on SELECTs. So if a table is only accessed by SELECT statements (for reference or archive...

  • RE: How to recover a accidently deleted Table?

    If you have a snapshot, you can recover the table from the snapshot. Else I suggest to restore the database with another name and export the table to the original...

Viewing 15 posts - 1,321 through 1,335 (of 1,417 total)