Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 28 total)

  • RE: Trusting Source Control

    Alex Friedman (6/30/2015)

    ...It would be great if there was some control process that checked who missed check-ins -- but that process would need to know who made the changes and...

  • RE: From Hairdresser to DBA – How to start a career in IT

    Thanks everyone for taking the time to read this article and responding. I'm glad I have inspired so many of you.

    @MysteryJimbo - it's nice to know others...

  • RE: Redirect Message Output

    If you're talking about scheduling the job...

    If you use SQL Agent Job Scheduler, when you add a step to the job, on the advanced tab there is an option to...

  • RE: Do the certifications add value?

    Morning Colin - I always have problems getting SQL to use more than 2MB too 🙂

    I'm a great believer in certification - as a means of structuring my continuing education....

  • RE: development and implementation procedures....

    I'm the only DBA in a financial systems software house that faces similar problems. I have six SQL Servers in live which support about thirty or so databases ranging from...

  • RE: Running Values Strategy

    This is the article Frank mentions...

    . . Greg

    Greg M Lucas MCDBA, MCSE

  • RE: How do I version the SQL script?


    Greg : We use the same method as you. But, we don't have an app that can combine all the scripts together...

  • RE: Acronyms

    I once spent an amusing lunch time in pub working this one out:


    ... which was sign over the bar.

    (If I tell you what this means you are honor-bound to put...

  • RE: How do I version the SQL script?

    Like Ray, we use SourceSafe. I even use it for any personal projects because it makes it so easy to roll back changes.

    In our environment, the database schema is handled...

  • RE: Troubleshooting DTS errors

    I do this a couple of ways.

    1. Open the DTS package, right click for properties and on the looging tab under error handling specify an output file. This logs everything...

  • RE: Documenting Stored Procedures

    Not sure if this is what you're after but I have word template that we use to dcument all database objects. For sprocs this includes all parameters and column name/datatype...

  • RE: Stored Procedures - OUTPUT?

    I may be missing something here but what about:

    CREATE PROCEDURE myprocedure

    @strOut1 varchar(5) = NULL OUT


  • RE: Scheduled Package Errors

    You can also get DTS to log all output to a log file - you choose the path. While the package is open, right click and go properties - it's...

  • RE: Question of the Day (QOD)

    Actually you can change from UDP 1434 - although you can't define what alternative port to use.

    If you click the "Hide Server" box in Server Network Utility (SQL2K) the listener...

  • RE: SQL Server Security: The db_executor Role

    We use a dozen or so standard database roles - often added to the model database to save recreating in each new database, examples are:









    AS these roles are standard and...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 28 total)