Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 33 total)

  • RE: SSIS Package need to full data from txt files to tables

    Assuming the files are all formatted the same way:

    1. Add a Foreach Loop Task

    2. In the collection section specify "Foreach File Enumerator"

    3. Specify the folder where the...

  • RE: SSIS package version control

    Actually I believe anytime you perform a build/rebuild on the package, the verbuild number is incremented.

  • RE: SSIS package version control

    The createdate column in sysdtspackages90 is not automatically generated. It is a package property you have to set/update each time you make a change. The only property I...

  • RE: SSIS date converison craziness

    If TableA and TableB are SQL Server tables, you can also use the ISDATE() function in the where clause to select/omit records.

  • RE: Run time variables - best way to set them

    No - it's not a dumb question at all. You are correct that the environment variable would not work if all 3 enviornments are on the same machine. ...

  • RE: Run time variables - best way to set them

    If you are a member of SQLServer Magazine, here is a great article by Kirk Haselden from November 2005, that has worked very well for us. It explains how...

  • RE: ssis solution opens all packages automatically

    I agree, waiting for the packages to open can be annoying and time consuming.

    If you close all of the packages before you save the solution, they should be closed when...

  • RE: SQL Job only 1 step

    A "Catch All"? Not that I'm aware of.

    SQL Server 2005 now has BEGIN TRY and CATCH blocks that can be used, but I'm not sure if they...

  • RE: SQL Job only 1 step

    Try adding the following statement before CREATE USER:

    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.database_principals WHERE name = N'USER1')

  • RE: Changing Values

    You will probably need 2 derived column definitions for this. Is this something you can do using T-SQL? If so, you could use a case statement.

    I'm assuming you want...

  • RE: Changing Values

    Yes the SSIS data pipeline IS case sensitive. I've run into this same issue when using T-SQL. The derived column task should work just fine.

  • RE: Changing Values

    Try using the "Derived Column" data flow transformation.

    In the Expression column of the derived column task, use the String Function REPLACE as follows:

    REPLACE( [FieldName] , "Ts", "Ts2")

    This should hopefully do...

  • RE: Dynamic connections in SSIS

    Fair Enough!!

    Obviously my interpretation of the question was a bit off..

    Thank you!

  • RE: Dynamic connections in SSIS

    I realze option 4 is correct if you use the DTS object model to execute the task, but I use package configurations all the time to change connection values at...

  • RE: script task using connection

    Here is a code sample that reads a recordset and checks for the existence of mandatory files  I am passing in Package Variables for the Database Server Name...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 33 total)