Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 67 total)

  • RE: Strange Restore Performance

    1. To clarify some points, the restore is from the local server drive. The drive is SAN storage connected via a 2GB fiber optic connection.

    2. I had...

  • RE: Maintaining Parallel environments


    I happen to agree that this isn't practical. However, I am still tasked with seeing if it can be done.

    Just to clarify the need. This is...

  • RE: restore files

    If the database already exists, you will need to first detach the current version before attaching the new files. In order to detach it, all current connections need to...

  • RE: Auditing SQL Logins 24x7 - Profiler? SQLDiag??


    I have used that method for years with much success. Lately I have been trying to implement the same functionality using service broker event processing. However, I've not...

  • RE: restore files

    You got it right. Just copy the files to the server and than attach the database using sp_attach_db:

    EXEC sp_attach_db @dbname = <databasename>,

    @filename1 = <full...

  • RE: Maintenance Plans vs. Scripts

    So far, the consensus is just what I thought. While there may be some advantages to executing scripts for managing backups, without a specific need not addressed by Maintenance...

  • RE: Policing SQL Server Usage


    I absolutely believe in the "limit access" mindset. Unfortunately, the business users in my company do not, which is why I have the dilemma. The business side of...

  • RE: Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, = or when the subquery is used as an expression.

    When using a subquery in the select statement the subquery can only return a single value. One (or more) of your subqueries is returning more than one value. ...

  • RE: The Troubleshooting List


    The error is a not very well documented error message. Best guess is that either an I\O bottleneck or CPU\Memory pressure caused a situation where queries were waiting to...

  • RE: The Troubleshooting List

    Number 10 reminded of a recently learned lesson. I came in one morning and one of our major applications wasn't working....users could not log in . Of course,...

  • RE: Using sp_executesql

    Microsoft SQL Server 2000

    - 8.00.760 which is the version for SP3.

    And I only read that article 10 or 15 times yesterday while fighting the...

  • RE: SQLAgentMail with Lotus Notes

    Dim objMessage

    Dim bodytext

    'Variable to hold message body

    bodytext = "This is some text." & vbcrlf & This is another line of text." & vbcrlf


    Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")


    'From does not have...

  • RE: Charting Perfmon counters

    If you are interested in just SQL Server counters, you can query the sysperfinfo table.  However, you will want to do a little research as some of the values in...

  • RE: Connection Broken

    A much easier task would be to use Performance Monitor Alerts.  An alert can be configured to check for any Perfmon Object ( include SQL Objects ) and execute an...

  • RE: Separating data in table

    That will work with the given example.  However, it is dependent on the length of the data after ' on ' begin constant.  Should the format of your alert string...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 67 total)