Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 286 through 300 (of 303 total)

  • RE: How to write CROSS JOIN using subquery?

    sead.j (7/2/2008)

    Basic requirement is to use subqueries, but loops are alowed too...

    I can post DDL and sample data but isn't it easier way just to post Northwind MDF and LDF...

  • RE: How to write CROSS JOIN using subquery?

    If you would post your DDL and some sample data, it would be easier for us to help you.

    Create some temp tables and some insert statements with sample data.:)

    See here...

  • RE: How to write CROSS JOIN using subquery?

    A comma is the same as a cross join.

    It returns a cartesian product. 😉

    Personally, I don't see how it is possible using a nested subquery.

    If you do find an...

  • RE: what date format is this?

    Jeff Moden (6/26/2008)

    is250sp (6/26/2008)

    I am a visual person. Would you mind showing me examples of how I would incorporate this into the script above?

    Ummm... sure... here's the original script...

  • RE: Query Data without Dynamic SQL

    The example I gave is a modified example of what we are doing.

    I thought the actual example would take too long to explain.

    Does anyone have any suggestions of how to...

  • RE: SQL Query help

    Since you are using SQL Server 2005 you can use a PIVOT.

    declare @cust_product table

    (cust varchar(10), prod varchar(10))

    insert into @cust_product VALUES ('A','P')

    insert into @cust_product VALUES ('A','Q')

    insert into @cust_product VALUES ('A','P')


  • RE: Unique column in 4 tables

    I've seen the same issue solved as follows:

    You could have a table that stores a global unique id. Start it with a value of 1.

    Create a stored procedure that returns...

  • RE: Help with SQL Query

    Question: What's with all of the Left Join (Select * from #Report) ?

    Is that any different than doing a join like this:


    SUM(ISNULL(R1.Users,0)) ...

  • RE: Help with SQL Query

    How about this?

    ;WITH OrganizationUsers AS


    SELECT U.Organization




    FROM #Users U

    JOIN #Report R ON U.UserAlias = R.UserAlias


    SELECT [Year]

    , [Month]

    , [Org1]

    , [Org2]

    , [Org3]

    FROM OrganizationUsers

    PIVOT( SUM(Users) FOR Organization IN ([Org1], [Org2], [Org3])) AS OrganizationPivot

    GROUP BY...

  • RE: Help with SQL Query

    Can you please post your DDL and some sample data?

    That will make it a lot easier to answer your question. 😉

  • RE: load a csv file

    balamurugan.ganesan (5/26/2008)


    I need to load a csv file in to SQL 2005 which has comma within the data. How to load this I am fed up trying this:angry:

    Some help on...

  • RE: Rownumber

    Matt, your example misses a row.

    My example returns one row for each minute, yours misses one minute.

    Your Results:


    1900-01-01 12:40:51.000BUY

    1900-01-01 12:41:41.000SELL

    1900-01-01 12:42:01.000BUY

    1900-01-01 12:42:41.000SELL

    1900-01-01 12:42:51.000BUY

    My Results:








  • RE: Rownumber

    How about this:

    DECLARE @Actions TABLE


    ActionTime DATETIME

    ,ActionName VARCHAR(10)


    INSERT INTO @Actions

    SELECT '12:40:01' ,'BUY' UNION ALL

    SELECT '12:40:31' ,'BUY' UNION ALL

    SELECT '12:40:51' ,'BUY' UNION...

Viewing 15 posts - 286 through 300 (of 303 total)