Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 58 total)

  • RE: STATS_DATE using qualified parameters

    Noel -

    Thanks! That's what I've been trying to do - just can't seem to get it to work with the EXEC...


  • RE: STATS_DATE using qualified parameters

    If you'll notice - I incorporated the Use statment into the test code... It does not cause the stats_date function to execute in the target database context but rather in...

  • RE: STATS_DATE using qualified parameters

    Serqiy -

    I see where you're going with this but given the scope constraints I don't see how this will work. The GetStat SP still executes in the scope of...

  • RE: Finding # of Physical Processors

    Thanks for the replies.

    After having looked at the linked article previously... The question  is not how to, or the benefits of, hyperthreading (we already do it). Rather how to obtain...

  • RE: Binary Index Question

    Thanks all - this has all been great input!

    However, lest we get to far afield... the index column is a character (char1) containing a "Y" or "N". Of the 7+million...

  • RE: Executing Remote SQL Scripts

    Jo -

    • The sqlagent is running as a local admin (domain) account
    • I've not tried the xp_cmdshell in a job yet. When using it as a command:

    • Accessing remote servers does not...
  • RE: /3GB Switch Question

    Yes - I just went through all of that with an Active/Passive SQL Cluster that we stood up and upgraded to 8GB of memory per server. There were a lot...

  • RE: /3GB Switch Question


    I had looked at the question of the SQL Server version and got differing answers. If you've got a definative document that addresses the memory/version questions I'd really appreciate the...

  • RE: /3GB Switch Question

    Aaron - thanks for the input.

    I'm using the Idera Diagnostic Manager to monitor the server/database statistics (a very nice albeit expensive tool)... memory usage is pegged continually. The databases...

  • RE: Monitoring Index Usage

    Philip - thanks fo rthe reply. I have been doing the SQL Profiler/ITW periodically. I guess that, given your statememnt and what little I know, I'll continue with this process.


  • RE: AWE Question

    Thanks all for your input...

    Yes - I forgot to mention that I had already set the "lock pages in memory" local policy. and yes... being a clustered environment we are...

  • RE: AWE in a mixed memory cluster

    Thanks for the input! This is a tough question/decision.

    I assume that this would be the issue even if we bit the bullet and brought all of the nodes in the...

  • RE: AWE in a mixed memory cluster

    Your assessment is correct. Thanks for the heads up on the /3gb switch.

    We have configured the cluster so that any active node can failover only to the designated passive...

  • RE: AWE in a mixed memory cluster

    I'm not sure that I understand your comments...

    In the active/passive cluster an active node will failover to the designated failover node (not to another active). So if the failover is...

  • RE: fn_get_sql Help

    Karl -

    I realize that it appears that I'km checking spid 1 (it's just for an example). when the script is executed I change the spid to whatever one I'm...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 58 total)