Forum Replies Created

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

  • RE: Ctrl-Tab

    Most apps that use tabs.

    Did you notice whether notepad or word had tabs? Mine don't - perhaps i have an old version of notepad.

  • RE: Ctrl-Tab

    Ctrl-Shift-Tab does the same as Ctrl-Tab, but backwards. I'm looking for getting the tab functionality that every other windows program has as in Ctrl-Tab moves to the tab to the...

  • RE: Unique index faster

    Although i see no speed differences, SQL Server (2005) seems to consistently choose the unique index over the non-unique for searches. In this case i think i would go for...

  • RE: Unique index faster

    Yes, thanks for the reply, but i left out a crucial point in my question, i am comparing two indexes with exactly the same fields on a table, one specified...

  • RE: Not For Replication

    Got a SQL2005 solution from Hilary Cotter MS TechNet forum - sp_identitycolumnforreplication. Seems i will have to stick with changing syssolumns in SQL2000.

  • RE: Not For Replication

    So far, no problems with the edits to syscolumns, but by the fact that SQL2005 does not allow it means that I must find another way - neither am i...

  • RE: Execution Plans

    This article was overly laborious and not cutting to the point. It would be nice to see articles on this site rated on level of expertise - e.g. beginner, intermediate...

  • RE: How To Mess Up An Interview

    A refreshing break from the insipid sterility of run-of-the-mill "professional" articles. Its nice you see someone expressing themself for a change - a few useful tips to boot.

  • RE: storing cyrillic in non-unicode fields

    Thanks for replies, were helpful. It turns out [simply] that my varchar column did not have the proper collation. I incorrectly assumed that changing the DB collation would roll...

  • RE: Bulk insert into primary key

    Problem is, in my situation, the same record in y can get added multiple times to x, each with a unique numbner in x - something like:

    INSERT INTO x(ID, Name)


  • RE: Bulk insert into primary key


    solution must be supported in SQL2000 and SQL7.

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)