Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 43 total)

  • RE: Real Time Dangers

    Sorry about the late chime-in (I'm always behind on reading the SSC daily e-mails), but this was a good editorial and sparked a couple of thoughts hopefully worth sharing:

    First, interesting...

  • RE: Database testing. The ferret and the rabbit

    I originally went to college for a technical communications degree, and IT was my fallback. I still consider writing to be my primary vocation, but IT has turned out to...

  • RE: Greed Is Good (for IT)

    In the big picture, the "greed is good" mentality isn't good for anybody -- IT or otherwise. Wall Street fat cats with an overabundance of that thought pattern are what...

  • RE: Cascading Human Error

    The public perception of computer systems is that they are mindless robots who interpret commands from operators literally and then follow through with them relentlessly, even when the operator realizes...

  • RE: Upgrading 2000 to 2005 - Questions Emerged After Successful Tests

    We did the production server upgrade last night. The SQL portion was a bit bumpy, but thanks to our experience with the test upgrades (and Cirque's answers), it wasn't anything...

  • RE: Upgrading 2000 to 2005 - Questions Emerged After Successful Tests

    Much appreciated, Cirque, those answers really do help. They basically confirmed what I suspected already, but it's good to have some confirmation that I'm thinking on the proper wavelength.


  • RE: Bad SQL Jokes

    I still like my code for "SQL DBA on the prowl in a singles bar":

    SELECT Partner

    FROM Clientele

    WHERE Status='Available'

    ORDER BY BloodAlcoholContent DESC

    Alternatively, leave off the DESC if you prefer sober partners....

  • RE: Google Scale

    The CS students were apparently not competent enough to use the following commands to either kill the Pet major jobs, or to set their priority so low they couldn't bother...

  • RE: Are You a Ten?

    Nakul Vachhrajani (11/16/2010)

    I guess that in today's world, knowing everything about any product is a physical impossibility. What matters most is:

    1. You know what the product can do (not how!),...

  • RE: Are You a Ten?

    Keith Langmead (11/19/2010)

    I've always said that there are three types of computer users :

    1) Know little or nothing about computers, admit that fact and will always ask for assistance. They...

  • RE: Google Scale

    This talk about code efficiency reminds me of a "war story" from college (in the mid-1980s).

    The college had a couple of mainframe VAX/VMS computers, with terminals in several different locations...

  • RE: 100 Years Ago, What Would You Be?

    From a hundred years ago almost continuously up till now, there are plenty of preachers and teachers on both sides of my family, so most likely one of those.

  • RE: Great Service – All About Attitude

    Whether they know it or not, every network / tech support / helpdesk person is in customer service, although it's correct that in the high-tech realm sometimes you have to...

  • RE: Transaction Log

    CirquedeSQLeil (9/13/2010)

    To add to that - not everybody needs to have point in time recovery. Due to this, it would have been bad design to force everybody to perform...

  • RE: Humor

    SQL Server DBA on the prowl at a singles bar:

    SELECT Date

    FROM Clientele

    WHERE Attached = 'FALSE'

    ORDER BY BloodAlcoholContent DESC


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 43 total)