Forum Replies Created

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

  • RE: The 10 (.5) Commandments for IT Professionals

    This (plus the additionals posters have added, they're great!) should be put on every programming-related wall in every school in the US. The list is absolutely awesome!

    5a. is the...

  • RE: Disaster Planning Includes You

    If you're that concerned about having people "in the office", you may be out of luck. Some folks (myself included), will not risk their wellbeing by driving in hazardous...

  • RE: Disaster Planning Includes You

    One oft overlooked part of a DR Plan is to actually try to implement it once in a while! War game it and try to think through the potential...

  • RE: Security Regulations

    CirquedeSQLeil (3/17/2010)

    No article or amendment necessary. That is why they start out as bills and then get voted on to become law.

    Really? So the Government tomorrow can abridge...

  • RE: Security Regulations

    Steve Jones - Editor (3/17/2010)

    Not a tax, a requirement to meet some standard. There's a difference.

    Is there really though?

    How are those requirements enforced? If you're fined for...

  • RE: Effective Dating Series Part I - The Problem

    Richard Gardner-291039 (10/1/2009)

    You're talking about a different data set, that information is in your sales ledger.

    You have a point, however, if I'm trying later on to provide data to marketing...

  • RE: In Praise of Barebones Applications

    I probably wasn't entirely clear. Executive was fully informed and aware of our initiative. They were not, however, informed of the other department's (department in this case being...

  • RE: Effective Dating Series Part I - The Problem

    Agreed with RobertM, there is a place for dates in both tables depending on the business strategy. Imagine if you had the same promotion with a rolling list of...

  • RE: In Praise of Barebones Applications

    xnfec is on to one of the core problems with "give it to me fast, cheap, and working". You just can't do all three.

    One of the key issues I've...

  • RE: Slicing and Dicing

    jcrawf02 (8/12/2009)

    ...I think I kind of see his point that being part of a bundle would allow a fledgling channel to develop interesting programming without having to get it from...

  • RE: Slicing and Dicing

    While I agree that sometimes you find hidden gems in albums, I had all but stopped buying CDs in the early 2000's because invariably you'd find the one single that...

  • RE: Testing Skills

    By the same token Rudy, are you trying to test how the candidate does with a bunch of people staring wordlessly at them while they work? That's not really...

  • RE: RS2005: Failure sending mail: Retrieving the COM class factory for component...


    Alright, after my last post, I went to the dev server to look at the keys related to CDOMessage.  These keys are in the registry under (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\).  CDOMessage keys are...

  • RE: RS2005: Failure sending mail: Retrieving the COM class factory for component...

    That was the first thing I looked at.  The settings were exactly the same as on the development server - which is working fine.

    I'm currently looking at the possibility that...

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)