Viewing 15 posts - 256 through 270 (of 461 total)
use DATABASEPROPERTYEX( database , property )
for example select convert(sysname,DatabasePropertyEx('MyDB','Collation'))
see BOL
January 4, 2004 at 6:08 am
Here is one of the solutions:
FROMTravelerLot INNER JOIN WorkOrderLot ON TravelerLot.LotID = WorkOrderLot.LotID
JOIN Process ON TravelerLot.CurrentProcID = Process.ProcessID
JOIN (selectLotID,
min(ProcNum) as ProcNum
fromProcess JOIN TravelerLot ON TravelerLot.CurrentProcID = Process.ProcessID
byLotID) as MinProcs...
January 4, 2004 at 5:49 am
I never grant anything to the base tables.
No user can execute any query against the base tables.
Only via SP or sometimes throu views.
The maintenance is much easier.
When the developers change...
January 2, 2004 at 5:17 pm
I've started with Sybase 4.2 after I've migrated several sites to MS SQL Server 6.0 but I do not remember to have a limit of 5 text columns in 4.2.
January 2, 2004 at 4:05 pm
I tend to agree Frank.
I hope you will never get even close to this theoritical limit otherwise your index maitenance jobs will be interresing and soooo loooong
January 2, 2004 at 10:46 am
Only adding files to the tempdb log won't help you too much.
Considere the followings:
January 2, 2004 at 10:39 am
Fragmentation is definitly using more space (and therefore hinder the performance)
If you want to insert a new row to a page and there is not enough free space to store...
December 30, 2003 at 10:48 am
Interesting issue.
My values are:
TempDB current
Insert 64K recs into #Temp in 220ms
Insert 64K recs into local Test64KInsertTemp in 216ms
Insert 64K recs into #Temp2 from #Temp in 173ms
Insert 64K recs into local...
December 30, 2003 at 10:36 am
But do not forget that the simple recovery mode is using a full logging but afterwards on checkpoint it is "autotruncating" itself.
In a bulk logged recovery mode BCP, bulk inserts,...
December 30, 2003 at 10:11 am
But you still need a transaction because of the usage of the generated number, let's say an invoice.
begin tran
get new invoice number
insert data into invoice table
insert data into invoice details...
December 30, 2003 at 10:03 am
Lot of questions outta there
As far as I know SQL Server is using only the actual size of the varchar data (with some extra bytes to...
December 30, 2003 at 9:43 am
To see the log space usage you can use dbcc sqlperf (logspace)
sp_spaceused reports only the data and index space usage (in the reserved, data, index and unused columns) and this...
December 30, 2003 at 5:19 am
But anyhow! Yukon, once available, will have (Endlich!) a separate date and time datatype.
December 30, 2003 at 4:09 am
Unfortunatly you are not right.
Even the tempdb logs.
You have (at least) 2 possibilities
December 30, 2003 at 3:17 am
create table Test_Results
(Equip_ID int,
A_Test_Result varchar(50),
Test_Date datetime)
insert into Test_Results values (1, 'test11', getdate())
insert into Test_Results values (1, 'test12', getdate())
insert into Test_Results values (2, 'test21', getdate())
insert into Test_Results values...
December 30, 2003 at 2:48 am
Viewing 15 posts - 256 through 270 (of 461 total)