Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 83 total)

  • RE: High Tech Competition

    I once lost a contract to an East Indian firm, underbid by about 30% (cheaper leabour, less insurance issues, etc.). At the time I remember feeling like hell, because I...

  • RE: Who''s The Criminal?

    My only surprise when reading today's editorial is that anyone would doubt employees are the main security risk. Even before hackers started to steal identities, etc., the main way to...

  • RE: Dude, The Server''s Down

    Maybe its a feature to keep the job interesting.

    I have a similar exciting and apparently inexplicable feature in Visual Studio 2005. When I open the Help system and it crashes...

  • RE: Detailed Test Poll

    The short answer: We use a mix of automated test scripts and manual scripts, plus what I call the "real user experience" approach to testing. (The latter consists of clicking all...

  • RE: Windows Security

    Avoiding any defence of Microsoft here, because a lot of the XP problems were oversights that probably would have been caught before release if they had a different focus then,...

  • RE: Performance Poll

    From a developer/architect point of view, I think SQL Server 2005 probably has the necessary tools (to some extent) -- they're just too hard to access or toggle on...

  • RE: DRI or No DRI?

    About the only thing in the editorial today I can object to is the offhand remark that developers are lazy. As a developer, I would suggest that not...

  • RE: These guys must have some database!

    I stand by my skewed belief that the value of data decreases exponentially as the scale of the data increases. Anything that increases at 4PB a month must be collecting...

  • RE: Customer Service

    The Internet seems to breed ignorance. Or, maybe it's just that ignorant people feel less inclined to bite their tongue when they think their are no consequnces.

    But imagine if everyone...

  • RE: What''s Your Code Quality?

    Defining code quality is never simple.

    I've worked for clients who follow strict guidelines for quality, implementing a series of required variable forms, structures of choice, etc. The end result is...

  • RE: We Need a Balance

    As a Canadian I can offer an observation that might make you feel better, Steve: you still have a heck of a lot more freedom than we do.

    While our political...

  • RE: New Poll

    In twenty-plus years I avoided a project failure (where I was actually in a position to affect the outcome), but currently I am wrangling a project that seems like it might just...

  • RE: Joel U

    Another mark fo a great leader is an ability to constantly learn, and an acceptance to learn from anyone. Only those managers seem able to resist the impetus to slip...

  • RE: Two Things

    I prefer to write any and all data access code by hand, which extends from a bad experience I once had entering a shop where no one was sure how...

  • RE: Pulling My Hair Out

    Not 100% on-topic, but related...I actually know people who can't keep Windows XP running reliably for more than a few weeks. Of course, they tend to have a thousand awful,...

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 83 total)