Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 83 total)

  • RE: Are You a Giver or a Taker?

    As I browse forums, I generally become a taker because my vast ignorance is exposed by the quality of some of the discussions that sparkle over my head. But then,...

  • RE: Same or Different?

    All of these options are good.

    One useful thing I've been doing a while is using phrase-based passwords rather than some obscure combination of alphanumerics. This isn't suitable for all purposes,...

  • RE: Vendor Value

    I have no qualms about falling on the side of the argument that maintenance shouldn't be a fee-based element of the business process, but I do think the idea only...

  • RE: Checking Up on Developers

    I will pass the links along to the lads. I probably passed the one before, I think, as it is quite familiar.

    Then they willc laim they had no time to...

  • RE: Checking Up on Developers

    I spend most of my time as a controller these days, and see problems on both sides of the fence. I still develop just to keep a hand in, and...

  • RE: Index Choices

    So true. I've been lucky the last seven years to have worked on a product/project where I had total control end-to-end, where talking with the developers was possible and a...

  • RE: Index Choices

    For all intents they seem to seldom, if ever, delete anything from any of the interfaces. I will certainly bear that in mind, though.

    I suspect my block on this is...

  • RE: Index Choices

    Thanks for the thoughts.

    I foolishly forgot to mention that part of the end-result of this upgrade is to move it to SQL Server 2005, and as such the "includes" option...

  • RE: Required suggestions on Table design for storing pick list

    There is one potential place where a unified form of a lookup table is handy, which is when the table contains a limited amount of static information. In that scenario,...

  • RE: Adding ID columns to tables for primary key

    I can't add much to what was written, except to extend another consideration: those unique and arbitrary integer-based primary key identity columns can be very handy if your front-end can...

  • RE: Foreign key definition with picklist

    Sanjay, the simplest approach without separating tables by type is to isolate your call in a stored procedure and have your top-level interface call it with a parameter for type....

  • RE: The Optimists

    The "can do" attitude is fine (I have it, and always have), but we need to inject an additional dose of user-reality into analysis of from where the problem comes.


  • RE: Government Interference?

    It's hard not to agree with Andy on this one. A clear problem with government (any government) or the courts (again, any courts) dictating technical schedules for...

  • RE: Curisoity about a connection string oddity

    I did run it (though I too have forgotten that step more than once); and I just checked to find on both boxes TCP/IP and named pipes remains activated.

    I wonder if it...

  • RE: Curisoity about a connection string oddity

    I will certainly check named pipes. I thought I had the two identically configured, but certainly I could have missed a click.

    What I find odd is that almost all references suggest "."...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 83 total)