Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 191 total)

  • RE: Use Tools

    Ha ha - fair point. I guess on balance, that you need an owner who know's when to use option 3, but also understands that there are times when only...

  • RE: Use Tools

    Imagine if you employed a gardener on an hourly rate and he insisted on cutting the lawn with a scythe instead of a lawn mower. Wouldn't you get rid of...

  • RE: Use Tools

    I agree with the main point of the article. Automation is a good thing. Freeing up time for more useful tasks is clearly a good thing for morale and efficiency....

  • RE: Taking a Sabbatical

    LOL, when you find that you know what Judge Judy is going to say before she says it, then that's the time to get on with your cycling adventure ;-)...

  • RE: Taking a Sabbatical

    I started my sabbatical in November last year. I've been very fortunate to be in a position to do it, but I'm very glad that I have. I agree with...

  • RE: An Impressive SQL Server

    I'd love to see how the TFL and Oyster network for London Underground is architected.

    They have approximately 3 million journeys a day taking place, using RFID cards to gain entry...

  • RE: Tally Table Uses - Part II

    What a cool application of the tally table. When I have string manipulation issues, I've always taken the educated guess / trial and error approach much like other posters, but...

  • RE: Snoops

    In data warehouse development looking at a source system's data is encouraged. Not just column properties and NULL counts, but actually looking at values held within a column that don't...

  • RE: Detect if package was started manually

    You could pass in a parameter along with your DTEXEC command?

    Perhaps a separate scheduled job would have the parameter IsScheduled set to 1 and the bat file or non scheduled...

  • RE: Please HELP....

    Hi Adam,

    Go from folder to folder and load each file into one database table? I have tried the For Each Loop, but it just looks for the file name...

  • RE: SSIS multi-environment configuration in a single SQL Server table

    I think you may need to escape the quotes too... I vaguely recall running into something like this myself a couple of years back... Something to do with the quotes...

  • RE: Export CSV to HTTPS - "web folder" with SSIS 2005

    Most likely, you don't have permission or the web server isn't configured to accept uploads. I'd check your credentials are correct and ask your client to verify that web server...

  • RE: Flatfile as a Lookup in SSIS

    Unfortunately not with SSIS 2005. In SQL 2008 however, this is possible with the cache transform / connection manager and the new lookup component. In 2005, for this type of...

  • RE: Integrating email addresses from portal

    Hello Cospow,

    I think asking people in this forum to provide you with a

    step by step process of this integration scenario

    is not going to get you very far. Perhaps...

  • RE: Special Processing on Last Row

    I don't really understand how you're using the surrogate key or why you need it, but adding a rowcount to the final row of a text file is easy enough......

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 191 total)