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Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 237 total)

  • RE: data conversion Error in update query

    I think I am OK. Thx. I will pay more attention to execute plan in the future.

  • RE: specific group average

    When I run this query

     select  distinct [Quiz Name], Score from  [Quiz Log]  INNER JOIN

                          HREMP ON [Quiz Log].[Employee Name] = HREMP.[FULL NAME] AND [Quiz Log].DOB = HREMP.DOB

    where   (HREMP.CC = N'010018200')...

  • RE: data conversion Error in update query

    Thanks. I was so wrapped for error and update field .

  • RE: data conversion Error in update query

     [DCode] [nvarchar] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,

     [PrincipalDiagnosisCode] [char] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,


    there are the only two fields I need to update.

    I never used SHOWPLAN_ALL to analyze my query. Thank...

  • RE: data conversion Error in update query

    but in my case, it is the same data type.

  • RE: data conversion Error in update query



    update InpatientMedStat set  InpatientMedStat.PrincipalDiagnosisCode = ltrim(rtrim(rptpxa2.DCode)) from InpatientMedStat   INNER JOIN   rptpxa2 ON InpatientMedStat.PatientAccountNumber = rptpxa2.PNO  WHERE     (LEN(RTRIM(InpatientMedStat.PrincipalDiagnosis 1 1 0 NULL NULL 1 NULL 6.5258541 NULL NULL NULL 3.6990247 NULL NULL UPDATE 0 NULL

      |--Table Update(OBJECT[Barb].[dbo].[InpatientMedStat]), SET

  • RE: data conversion Error in update query

    Sorry. I do not think I understand what you are talking about. Thx.

  • RE: data conversion Error in update query

    sorry. here is

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[rptpxa2] (

     [PNO] [nvarchar] (8) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,

     [AccommondateCharge] [float] NULL ,

     [FClass] [nvarchar] (1) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,

     [DeathIndicate] [nvarchar] (1) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,

     [Disposition] [nvarchar] (2)...

  • RE: change cross join to left join.

    Here is the working version. Thx.



    CREATE                          PROCEDURE dbo.CCPercent

    @quiz VARCHAR( 25 )=null,

    @cc   nvarchar(125) = NULL,

    @debug     bit          = 0


    DECLARE @sql        nvarchar(4000)   


    set @sql='SELECT...

  • RE: Average by group

    amazed, so easy. Thx.

  • RE: Inserting into a text field in SQL Server 2000

    might be you can use trigger.

  • RE: compact sql server database

    It took long time to do any operation in the SQL Enterprise manager.

    Btw, my computer 4cpu 1.8 ghz 523.28 kb Ram.

    Here is the message after I shrink the database.


  • RE: long time to connect to sql server

    just happened . but I am the only use the server. How do improve if the case like yours ? Thx.

  • RE: compact sql server database

    it is standard version. I am the only user in the computer. it used to work fine. Last week I imported a lot data into the database. it clogged the...

  • RE: compact sql server database

    Yes. but the problem with other database, too. I am defragment the pc right now.

Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 237 total)