Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 105 total)

  • RE: DTS Fails reports failure when scheduled, but does what it is supposed to do


    Set the DTS logging, the next time you run it, you can find where is failing. That happened to me with one DTS and after the logging was set I...

  • RE: Backup/Restore nightmare


    I wonder if using backup "from device" could help you here. Grab a full back up copy (notaa differential), place it in a directory (any one is fine), rename the...

  • RE: Getting rid of the transaction Log

    Sorry for the writing, sometimes my fingers go faster than my brain, specially on Fridays.

    Read logg as Log


    Cnahge as Change

  • RE: Getting rid of the transaction Log

    There are a coupe of things you can do:

    1. If your database recovery model is set to FULL, your logg will keep growing. Cnahge it to SIMPLE (it does the...

  • RE: Creating HUGE TEXT FILE HELP!!!!

    Thanks to all. I did change the maximun characters in QA and it went fine, I will follow the suggestion for DTS now that I am going to run into...

  • RE: Several text files consolidate in one

    Thank you guys. I will give it a try using OSQL. Cool, I think that sove my problem!! If not, I will come back a ask a little bit more....

  • RE: Check if DB is being written

    you can also try with profiler within SQL Server. It basically the same kind of tool as the performer for windows but it can follow all the scripts run at...

  • RE: Synchronizing Data between two servers

    What edition do you use? Standard or Enterprise. Replication is a good tool in 2000 but is a tricky one if not setup correctly. BOL has a bunch of readings...

  • RE: ISO Week - calculate first monday day from given week

    Try this one:

    DECLARE @Date datetime

    SET @Date = getdate()

    SELECT DATEADD(dd,-(DATEPART(dw, @Date) - 1),@Date) AS 'First day of the week'

    SELECT DATEADD(dd,-(DATEPART(dw, @Date) - 7),@Date) AS 'Last day of the week'

    SELECT DATEADD(d, -DAY(DATEADD(m,1,@Date)),DATEADD(m,1,@Date))...

  • RE: Installation of SQL Server.

    Latest release: SQL Server 2005 - June Community Technology Preview

    There is no Beta3, and will not be. You can ask for a free DVD from Microsoft and it is valid...

  • RE: import access data to sql

    Welcome to the group!!!! This a great place to find information and help.

    I think the best way to do the conversion is using DTS (SSIS in 2005) Which will create...

  • RE: SSIS (Integration Services)

    Thanks Yelena, I am reading anything and everything I can put my hands on. I will keep downing that until I figure out how, what, where, when, why, etc for...

  • RE: Select statement using two (or more) databases

    SELECT     tblSaleAgents.SaleAgentEmployeeID,

    TempTest.dbo.EMPPF.EMPNUMBER, tblSalesAgents.SalesAgentMInitial,

    TempTestCareers.dbo.EMPPF.MINAME, tblSalesAgents.SalesAgentStatus,


    FROM  tblSales LEFT OUTER JOIN TempTest.dbo.EMPPF ON dbo.tblSalesAAgents.SalesAGentFName = TempTest.dbo.EMPPF.EMFNAM AND

    tblSalesAAgents.SalesAgentLName = TempTestCareers.dbo.EMPPF.EMLNAM


    tblSaleAgents is the local database table

    EMPPF is the second database table

    So, the syntax is as...

  • RE: SSIS (Integration Services)

    Hi Yelena, I am starting to play with SSIS, any advice? Thank you

  • RE: Using LEN in a case statement

    Thanks Frank, it was almost what I needed, but with your sample I modified a couple of things and it work perfectly. Thanks again

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 105 total)