Viewing 5 posts - 1,081 through 1,085 (of 1,085 total)
Thanks! And I agree. I rarely use Cursors (I make Identity Fields and generally While Loop through them), but on occassion, they are...
July 9, 2004 at 7:56 am
If I am reading this correctly, you are using MS ACCESS and passing in a parameter from a form.
Try this:
WHERE #form.pStreetNumber# BETWEEN CInt(AddrPrimaryLowNo) AND CInt(AddrPrimaryHighNo) And .....
Access uses...
July 7, 2004 at 8:17 pm
You may also want to try assigning @Include with ASCII characters.
SELECT @Include = CHAR(34) + 'A' + CHAR(34) + ', ' + CHAR(34) + 'I' + CHAR(34)
Sometimes the...
July 7, 2004 at 4:13 pm
Thank you! I agree! SoundEx is a pain. I have a long list of REPLACE statements. I've got the code to break the words apart using looping with CharIndex, so...
May 21, 2004 at 7:25 am
Thank you for your reply. Basically we are trying to purchase few SQL servers to many laptops.
If we have an external HD connected to a hub or router that...
March 5, 2004 at 1:16 pm
Viewing 5 posts - 1,081 through 1,085 (of 1,085 total)