Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 28 total)
Okay. I'll try that and get back to you guys. Thanks for all of you participated.
August 8, 2007 at 4:23 am
Okay ... so this seems to be more intesting then what i originally thought it would be ... huh ?
Great approch you all. But the problem is still unsolved....
August 7, 2007 at 4:19 am
Oops again!!
Hey Chris,
You looked over one little itsy bitsy detail ... i need to do this in SQL 2000.
Thanks you.
August 6, 2007 at 8:42 am
Yeah you are right, i need excatly this.
I kinda need a sequence within each set. I wish if I could see some sort of code for that ?
August 6, 2007 at 7:59 am
Thanks for the help. To give you a clearer picture ... here is a sample file data. In the below the 1st line is the header for the consolidated file....
July 20, 2007 at 5:01 am
Black background is easy on eyes, for me. By the way its quite old school ... remember blackboards in school?
Also the question is...
June 28, 2007 at 10:55 pm
I might not belong to that part of the world but long weekends ... aah ... what a luxuary .
If I get one...
May 25, 2007 at 8:11 am
You can also use SQL data import export feature. Just create a new database (in which you want to import your access file) with options you like; default would be...
May 25, 2007 at 8:07 am
You have got the logic right. Just sprinkle some more checks for sentences detection and you got what a typical VB6 programmer ( like me ) would do
May 23, 2007 at 11:55 pm
Just posted quite similar script ... just above yours :p.
Good point regarding the 'registered size in memory' concept. Clears things more. Thanks.
May 23, 2007 at 11:51 pm
Another point that i think found me is, I am not sure if that is relevant or not. But when running the script below:
declare @a float
May 23, 2007 at 11:07 pm
Just a brain fart ... for getting more then 2 decimal places you cab use this ...
declare @p int
declare @n int
set @p = 10
set @n = 3
select CAST(CAST(@n AS...
May 23, 2007 at 10:44 am
Happy Anniversary.
Keep doing what you do, doing a greate job for the online SQL Server community.
May 23, 2007 at 5:18 am
Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 28 total)