Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 5,596 through 5,610 (of 5,684 total)

  • RE: Delete Query

    Post repeat, please see question/responses here:

  • RE: Delete Query

    The more urgently you need something, the more time you'll need to take writing out the sample code you'd like us to mess with. A couple of things though:


  • RE: Need help in this query

    sql.abhishek (9/15/2010)

    I am desperately looking for some piece of code to get this type of out put .... kindly help me out of this.

    For the code, you'll really need to...

  • RE: Are the posted questions getting worse?

    Steve Jones - Editor (9/15/2010)

    bitbucket-25253 (9/15/2010)


    By the way for some reason going down is always slower and harder than going up.

    By the way, if going down is much faster than...

  • RE: index rebuild and transaction logs

    Swap to bulk-logged. The target system(s) will have to recreate the work but your logs will be smaller.

  • RE: Alternatives for nested cursors

    WayneS (9/15/2010)

    Craig Farrell (9/15/2010)

    [EDIT:] Heheh, Wayne, fastest code gun in the west. 🙂 [/EDIT]

    Maybe, but sometimes it's draw,shoot,aim instead of aim,shoot,draw... heh, wait-a-minute... :crazy:

    And thus, we find out why...


    Derrick Smith (9/15/2010)

    Ah crap, I did. Didn't even notice that. Hard to follow the logic of this query..working on it.

    If it makes you feel better, I just did a facepalm...

  • RE: Are the posted questions getting worse?

    CirquedeSQLeil (9/15/2010)

    Steve Jones - Editor (9/15/2010)

    Once that guy got outside the caged area, my stomach was flip flopping. Struggled to watch, and then was stunned again when he reached that...


    rpalacios 19022 (9/15/2010)

    Thanks for replies Mike and Derrick.

    Derrick, when I execute the new query, I'm getting the following error:

    Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The multi-part identifier "aspnet_users1.ApplicationId" could...

  • RE: Records still in backup file when table is truncated/Deleted

    I'm... not sure. But, hazarding a guess, it's got to do with Truncate simply doing page deallocations instead of actually wiping data. Now, why backup is actually picking...

  • RE: Alternatives for nested cursors

    drew.allen (9/15/2010)

    Craig Farrell (9/15/2010)

    - For these users, they need all items from somewhere else...

    -- Cross Join to create master list of user/itemcodes

    It's actually not a CROSS JOIN, because the value...

  • RE: Alternatives for nested cursors

    brian_winzeler (9/15/2010)

    Ahh that fixed it. My whole point was to be pointed in the right direction (which this most certainly did!). I will definitely keep that in mind for future...

  • RE: Alternatives for nested cursors

    Yeah, I didn't build DDL out for the table so I didn't doublecheck my code for functional running, but I forgot to drop AS [name] in at the select levels...

  • RE: Alternatives for nested cursors

    :ermm: Yikes. That is one twisted piece of code you've got there.

    Let me see if I get this straight. You set the group code, get the itemcode/levelval, and...

  • RE: Write a SELECT statement that answers the question

    But but Lowell, If Iz answerz I kin haz internets cookie! Right? Prize iz internetz cookie?

Viewing 15 posts - 5,596 through 5,610 (of 5,684 total)