Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)

  • RE: Track changes to database objects

    This can also be done using RedGate SQL Compare command line. You can create a batch that takes a snapshot of the databases that you are interested in and then...

  • RE: SQL 2005 Data corruption issue

    We experienced the same error messages this morning. The system dbs would all fail on the CHECKDB, the user databases would work correctly.

    We first tried bringing down the SQL...

  • RE: Indexing and TransLog

    I do not normally let my databases autogrow. I do, however, set the database to autogrow and set it to a low fixed amount, not percentage. This will get you through any...

  • RE: compression software

    I agree with Rudy I ran into problems with this when I was writing a procedure to do this with WinZip. Once I found that it allows you to name a...

  • RE: how to Zip a file

    Attached are procedures that I use to zip files from SQL Server. The following link is another procedure that I use to perform a backup and zip the file in one...

  • RE: clearing transaction log

    >>is it ok to backup only the database without the transaction log ?<<

    The answer is ... it depends ... When you backup the database you are ensuring that you will...

  • RE: Using Jobs to create/zip/email backups

    I use this procedure to perform backups and zip the backup files. I use winzip 9 with the command line interface installed. This procedure only uses a few of the...

  • RE: clearing transaction log

    You will need to monitor the size of your database and transaction log. It should be an unusual situation when these are required to autogrow. You will want to schedule...

  • RE: clearing transaction log

    The truncate_only option does remove the inactive part of the transaction log, however, if you do this on a production database you should immediately backup the database.

    Peforming regular log...

  • RE: Problem with log shipping

    There are some examples and discussions on this site about home built applications. If you are going to have this application running in the backgroud to for a standby server...

  • RE: Problem with log shipping

    I am going to take a SWAG here that this is a 'home built' application. You had mentioned that the copy was taking all log files from your source directory...

  • RE: Disable use of SQL Enterprise Manager

    I was experimenting one evening with security on a development server  and I wanted to revoke access 'public' access to all of the system supplied tables. I am the SA...


    Are you trying to grant permissions from within the stored procedure? If so you wil run into a problem because a user/role that has permission to grant (or revoke) those...

  • RE: Alert is not triggered

    Is there a reason that you are using a severity level of 1. Severity levels less than 11 are for informational purposes and this may be causing some of the...

  • RE: Restore from backup

    1. From the restore screen select the database you are going to restore if you are restoring over an existing database, if the database is new to the instance enter...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)