Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 72 total)

  • RE: restoring from transaction logs

    Thank you for your reply. So you think that the backup jobs look to be setup & scheduled correctly but that for this restore I am just missing some...

  • RE: TempDB database log

    Thank you both. I added the third file and ran a remove statement on the one I want to get rid of;my answer is that 'yes' I do have to...

  • RE: Script to track enabled/disabled status of triggers

    Thank you all. The SS2005 view makes it simple! Now if I could snag the definition of that view [sys.triggers] I wouldn't have to rewrite the code to...

  • RE: SQL Server 2005 SP3

    Have there been any significant issues reported with any of the cumulative updates? We are planning to apply SP3 -- CU 5 this week and wondered if there is...

  • RE: security for linked server

    Yes. Except for specific applications the users that need to use the linked server connect via their Windows domain account.

  • RE: security for linked server

    The SQL Server 2005 is on Microsoft Windows 2003 R2 Standard 64 Edition, Service Pack 2

    The SQL Server 2000 is on Microsoft Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition, Service Pack 2

    Both servers...

  • RE: Recovering space within a system table

    Thank you. I read the article and will use the script to track down my problem tables. Thank you much.

  • RE: Recovering space within a system table

    SQL Server allocates extents to an object. It keeps track of how much space is free or used but it does not release the free space in the extent...

  • RE: Recovering space within a system table

    I don't want to use shrink database. I think that SQL Server is similar to Oracle and Informix in that an object is allocated space and that the only...

  • RE: Recovering space within a system table

    The results are:

    database_size unallocated space

    64835.94 MB 38206.49 MB

    reserved ...

  • RE: Scheduled Transaction Log Backups

    That is what is different ... right now the log backup writes to a logical device so the only choice was to append or overwrite... I will switch that to...

  • RE: Scheduled Transaction Log Backups

    Not to be dumb but, is the syntax to backup without append 'with init' or do I still use 'with noinit' but have additional syntax for individual log file backup...

  • RE: Scheduled Transaction Log Backups

    I have watched the Activity Monitor while the job was running and it does not show any waittype -- I assume sysprocesses should have the same info

    When I tried to...

  • RE: Scheduled Transaction Log Backups


    First, thank you for replying.

    I don't know why the original DBA created the log with 4 files. They are/were on the same physical drive so there was nothing gained....

  • RE: Backup Setup

    Thank you. On another note, is there a prescribed way to prune the tables that contain the backup data? It looks like these tables have never been purged...

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 72 total)