Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 89 total)

  • RE: SQL 7, Replication Problem

    Are you running the latest service pack? I have found that there are many problems with replication in the original release and SP1. Things are much more stable...

  • RE: Dropping rowguid

    Try Dropping the column through Enterprise Manager. This doesn't Alter Table, but scripts a new table, transfers the data and then drops the original and renames the new. ...

  • RE: Use "stopat"

    As long as you are not truncating the log on checkpoint (Recovery Model is not 'Simple' in 2000) and you have yet to restore your database you will still have...

  • RE: IIF Function

    I have always found that for complex IIF(expression,truepart,falsepart) statements there is no real alternative but to convert to CASE WHEN expression THEN truepart ELSE falsepart END. However SQL Server...

  • RE: SQL Server script

    To my knowledge SQL Server does not directly support the scripting of data. However, if you need to script data from an existing table it can be done by...

  • RE: Coping the Data base

    Are you coping the database by backing up and restoring?

    If so make a note of the destination database file paths, select Restore Database from the menu and when the dialog...

  • RE: Trouble with dialup connections

    Remote machines on dial-up connections cannot automatically resolve the server names.

    If you are using WINS add an entry for the publisher, or if not add an entry into...

  • RE: How to get the real USER_NAME?

    You say that the users are a member of an existing group. Do you mean that they are a member of an NT Security Group? If so add...

  • RE: How to get the real USER_NAME?

    If the users are all logging in as 'sa' then you will not by default be able to tell them apart. Also using the 'sa' account in this way...

  • RE: Replcagin NULL Dates with a Blank

    If you write zero to a datetime it will be represented as 1/1/1900, so something like this may be what is occurring.

    Try forcing the blank to be null, for example...

  • RE: Lookin For an Escape

    You can do it all in one - just put two single quotes instead of one. e.g.

    @sqlquery = 'SELECT ErrorMsg FROM ErrorTable WHERE ErrorMsg LIKE ''Critical%'' '

  • RE: HELP !!! sp_send_cdontsmail dont work for me...

    This is my CDOSYS (Win 2000 Server/SQL 2000) mail routine, which is originally from Microsoft's MSDN. There is also a script in the SQL Server Central script library which...

  • RE: HELP !!! sp_send_cdontsmail dont work for me...

    Sorry, I meant can you ping the SMTP server?

  • RE: pseudocode........


    if (dob IS NULL)



      from [tablename]




      insert * from [tablename]


      Although in this case you don't need the BEGIN and END and there...

    1. RE: One or more databases are inaccessible

      I get this message when I take a database off-line and then access a login's properties. (My development server is a very basic machine and this can help to conserve...

    Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 89 total)