Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

  • RE: SSPI handshake failed with error code 0x8009030c

    The applications do not reside on the SQL clusters.

    I am looking at your link for the web app issue, but SharePoint is the only application that is actually a...

  • RE: SSPI handshake failed with error code 0x8009030c

    I think there is a level of frustration with this issue because of several factors:

    1 - The error occurs inconsistently.

    2 - The error occurs due to several factors

    3 -...

  • RE: Using a Parameter in the URL is not working

    IT WORKS!!!

    Slower than what I thought it would be, but I've seen others with the same slowness issue.

    I don't think I ever seen a clearly case of incorrect documentation in...

  • RE: Using a Parameter in the URL is not working

    dbowlin (8/10/2010)

    Try dropping the rs:command=Render. I don't think that works without a follow on format command like &rs:Format=render.xml

    No dice. Tried that. Tried a couple of variations of that.


  • RE: Using a Parameter in the URL is not working

    No, for some reason it doesn't. It brings the report up, but the CallID parameter is blank and it never pulls the data.

  • RE: Failover Cluster Fails to Failover

    I do not know if SQL was still running or not. Nothing was able to connect to it and I can tell that the Agent was running because I put...

  • RE: Failover Cluster Fails to Failover

    Nothing. That last entry in the SQL error log was made 50 minutes prior to the failure and was mundane backup type entries. Nothing was written to the SQL error...

  • RE: Determining Security Settings using TSQL?

    I saw that one, but was hoping for a better method.

    For SQL 2000 the registry name is HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\{instance}\AuditLevel and LoginMode.


    It's under...

  • RE: Does anyone use PolyServe?

    If anyone has any experience with Polyserver please, please, please post your comment where everyone can see them. This would include positive and negative experiences. Going back and forth in...

  • RE: Deadlocking on the cluster

    Here is the moral of the story... NEVER TRUST A VENDOR!

    The indexes were supposedly rebuilt within the application every night. However, then vendors definition of "index" is different than what...

  • RE: SQL Server Logs

    If you run:



    exec master..sp_cycle_errorlog    {this calls DBCC ERRORLOG}

    this will create a new log file. You may want to consider scheduling a job that does this regularly.


  • RE: Deadlocking on the cluster

    The database environment is the same. I have tested the query extensively with no load on the cluster and with creating a load on my test (non-clustered) server. The only...

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)