Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 58 total)

  • RE: How To Use Wildcard in SELECT Statement (but not in WHERE clause)

    It's a horrible design but it sounds like you want something like the following:

    USE master

    --Create temp table for use as array

    Declare @tbl table (RowId int identity(1,1), DBName varchar(30))

    CREATE TABLE #fileexist...

  • RE: Can anyone think of a good reason for NOT having a PK?

    There's at least one scenario in which I'll avoid placing a primary key on a table.  It has already been stated that when you are loading data from external sources...

  • RE: Embedded sqls in front end

    I don't have any sites for you either but I do have to weigh in with the people who've already posted.

    • The vast majority of people who write front end and...
  • RE: dynamic query input parameters not fixed

    sp_executesql will reuse compile query plans but it doesn't benefit from pre-compiled query plans like stored procedures do.  If you only have two parameters beind passed to your procedure then...

  • RE: Clustered index?

    Based on your description of what you are doing, I'd lean towards not creating a clustered index.  Remember the clustered index determines the order in which the data pages are...

  • RE: Time Off

    Go flying.

    Or if you have a girl friend who wants to get away for the weekend, go to the beach.

  • RE: What is object zero in a database

    I ran into a problem which reported a similar error in the past.  In my situation I was transfering databases between servers (production and development), when I would attempt to...

  • RE: backup file size


    Is the database set to "Auto Shrink", if so is there a process which deletes records in the evenings?

    It's even possible there's no process which deletes records but rather a...

  • RE: backup file size

    You'll need to provide additional information to get an informed answer.  What type of backups are you doing?  Full backups, differential, log?

    If you are doing full backups then the only...

  • RE: XP_cmdshell

    You didn't say what the error was you were getting so it's going to be very difficult to assist you.  You can, however, look at this thread for some information...

  • RE: xp_cmdshell dir another server

    Remember this phrase, "Security Context".

    SQL Server is a service just so it requires you to create an account on your OS so that it can login to the OS and...

  • RE: datepart parameter in system function dateadd

    What's so complicated about sp_executesql?

    DECLARE @DatePart VARCHAR(4), @DynamicSQL NVARCHAR(4000), @ReturnDate DATETIME

    SET @DatePart = 'yyyy'

    SET @DynamicSQL = 'SET @ReturnDate = DATEADD(' + @DatePart + ', 2, GETDATE())'

    EXECUTE sp_executesql @DynamicSQL, N'@ReturnDate DATETIME...

  • RE: Encrypted Backups

    One of our servers has over 400 databases on it, we do nightly backups using a full/differential methodology so you can imagine the amount of space consumed by the backups....

  • RE: Help needed on concatination of data into variable problem

    The moral of the story is:

    NULL + (anything) = NULL

  • RE: I need help designing a Database

    Ever hear of a bigint data type?

    You mean the 8 byte integer?  The one that is only 8 bytes smaller than the uniqueidentifer instead of 12 bytes smaller?  Sure I've...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 58 total)