Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

  • RE: hidden maintenance plan

    You could check in Select * from msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules

    Pay attention to freq_type... 64 = When SQL Server Agent Starts.

    OR if you are looking for a specific Procedure...

    Select all procedures in a cursor...

  • RE: Access Corruption - Form changes wont save.

    Goto Start ->Run, Then type

    MSACCESS.EXE /DECOMPILE YourAccessDatabaseHere... and enter(OK)

    This should decompile it. You now have the cnahce to correct whatever is the problem.

    Good Luck

  • RE: Transaction Error

    Where is "Begin Tran T1"..

    It appears you are going from Tran ADC to Saving Tran T1

  • RE: Stored Procedure Problem.

     What is wrong with this!!

    Alter Procedure spCodesOffenseListActive



    as varchar(20)=NULL


  • RE: TempDB locking question

    Have you been able to determine what the users are doing when this timeout starts occurring??



  • RE: SQL Server 2000 linked to Access 2000

    What is this RowID..

    I would think you would only need to create Stored procedure, supply it with data in the form of a command object and execute it with your...

  • RE: SQL Server 2000 linked to Access 2000

    When you create a link to Access, make sure you identify a PrimaryKey (unique identifier) for the SQL Server Table.

    If you do not identify what will uniquely identify your records,...

  • RE: Using IF in a SELECT statement?

    SELECT account_id, bill_contact, bill_address,bill_method = Case

    When 'CC' Then (SELECT CC_Number, CC_TYPE, CC_Exp FROM credit_card)

    FROM account

    WHen 'ZZ' Then Do something else

    End as 'The Value'

    From account

  • RE: Using IF in a SELECT statement?

    SELECT account_id, bill_contact, bill_address,

    (IF bill_method = 'CC' THEN (SELECT CC_Number, CC_TYPE, CC_Exp FROM credit_card)

    FROM account

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)