Forum Replies Created

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

  • RE: Vardecimal

    Sorry for being dense, but is my understanding correct that vardecimal would NOT have any affect on a money type field, even if it is filled with a lot of...

  • RE: Vardecimal

    I initially found reference to it at Additional information was found using the Help / Search w/in SQL Management Studio.

  • RE: Role Permissions

    Almost. I'm trying to create a report that documents role "xyz" as having select privileges on table_1, table_2 and view_a.

  • RE: Change Initial Size of Transaction Log

    Based on my inexperience I'll assume that I did not really have the initial size set as I thought. What I'm really looking for now is a way to reset...

  • RE: sys.dm_exec_sql_text

    I can see a number of other objects of this nature, e.g., dm_exec_sessions, but not dm_exec_sql_text. Any ideas on how I can "get this"? Thanks,

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)