Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 496 through 510 (of 556 total)

  • RE: The DBA Tax

    In this case, I don't entirely agree with you, Steve. In my work situation things go from hard to harder. 3 years ago we had 5 people in...

  • RE: Password Help

    Steve Jones - SSC Editor (6/29/2012)

    The two links posted above work. There are also versions in some mobile stores. I have a port for iOS and for OSX as well.


  • RE: Password Help

    Just a followup question. Steve mentioned, in this article, KeePass and Password Safe. Until I read his article I'd never heard of either. So I've done a...

  • RE: Password Help

    kevin77 (6/28/2012)

    But...getting back to the more root of the problem. What the hell was doing storing hashed passwords without a salt value!!!!!

    This isn't the first time Steve has...

  • RE: Password Help

    Good topic, Steve, and a tough one. I just don't see a clean, easy, solution, although I do appreciate your listing those 2 password managers (I've never heard of...

  • RE: After X Years

    ksharpe (6/14/2012)

    pardon my not-up-to-datedness, what's TDD?

    TDD == Test Driven Development

  • RE: Create Your Own Intense Interview

    GSquared (5/30/2012)

    Doctor Who 2 (5/29/2012)

    Interesting editorial, Steve. I'm a little surprised that there isn't more buzz on this topic. I'd like to bring up a little different spin...

  • RE: Create Your Own Intense Interview

    Interesting editorial, Steve. I'm a little surprised that there isn't more buzz on this topic. I'd like to bring up a little different spin on this; if you'd...

  • RE: A Break from Data

    Steve Jones - SSC Editor (5/26/2012)

    Doctor Who 2 (5/25/2012)

    Yes, yes, yes, about Joss Whedon's Firefly and Serenity! Totally awesome!!

    Firefly is on my Netflix list. Once I finish Battlestar Galactica


  • RE: A Break from Data

    Ken Mercadante (5/25/2012)

    If you enjoyed The Avengers, be sure to rent Joss Whedon's short-lived Firefly TV series (it failed because of Fox, not the quality of the show), and follow...

  • RE: A Break from Data

    Revenant (5/25/2012)

    I am surprised that no one (yet) mentioned Inception.

    "Dreams feel real while we're in them. It's only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange."

    Have a...

  • RE: A Break from Data

    sturner (5/25/2012)

    I watched "The Thirteenth Floor" on Netflix really enjoyed it, though it is a couple years old. I'm not usually into Sci-FI movies but this was more Computer-Techi than...

  • RE: A Break from Data

    I've seen The Avengers twice, and absolutely loved it! It was the most movie experience I've had in years.

    I'm looking forward to MIB3. I'm really looking forward to...

  • RE: Promoting Engineers

    To me, this just seems to be par for the course. In all of my professional life, I have never worked for a company, either in the public sector...

  • RE: Promoting Engineers

    Ian Elliott (5/1/2012)

    Completely agree with this one. At my current job I've started as standard IT Support and in my many years here I've grown and now do additional roles...

Viewing 15 posts - 496 through 510 (of 556 total)