Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

  • RE: SQL Server is terminating due to 'stop' request from Service Control Manager

    The message indicates that your SQL service was stopped from the Services Windows Management console (Administrative Tools > Services).

  • RE: Database Mail

    Definitely check the database mail log. Check to see are there any changes to your email server which you use for database mail as well.

  • RE: Date Calculation Spin Error/Warning Messages

    Thanks for your reply. I did check all my jobs and job histories to make sure they are working correctly.

    What puzzles me is that, as indicated in the KB...

  • RE: Unable to create login / Error 15401

    Have you tried using T-SQL:





    USE [database_name}


    CREATE USER [domain\user] FOR LOGIN [domain\user]


  • RE: Clustered Index and Insert

    Ok, I created a new table with the same structure and created the unique clustered index on it, then tried to input the same set of records into this new...

  • RE: Clustered Index and Insert

    That would be my last resort, but wanted to see if there's an alternative. And I thought DBCC DBREINDEX was supposed to drop and rebuild the indexes, which I had...

  • RE: Clustered Index and Insert

    Here's the procedure used to do the insert. It's been used to update the same table (members_) with different data set (different List_) (from the same data source) successfully. So...

  • RE: Clustered Index and Insert

    Here's the DDL. The insert error is on the index "UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX [IX_members_List_EmailLC]". Thank you for all your help.

    USE [ListManager]


    /****** Object: Table [dbo].[members_] Script Date:...

  • RE: Clustered Index and Insert

    The table does have another unique index which is an identity column and values are autogenerated by the system. And no triggers.

    What puzzles me is that how it detect...

  • RE: Clustered Index and Insert

    yep, already did that and that's what I mean "didn't find any identical records" in my original posting.

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)