Forum Replies Created

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

  • RE: finding duplicates... help needed

    Use This Query to Find Duplicate Rows

    Select * from Person

    Where Exists(Select 1 from Person A

    WHERE Person.FirstName = A.FirstName

    ANd Person.LastName = A.LastName

    Group BY A.FirstName , A.LastName

    Having Count(1)>1)

  • RE: arithmetic overflow problem in t-sql

    1 . Use this Query for Getting First Date of Previous Month


    2. If you declare numeric(8,6) Means

    Sql Allot 2 Digit for Numeric & 6 Digit For Decimal

    So increase...

  • RE: Converting Integer to Text

    Try This

    CASE WHEN [Extension]<80 THEN '0'+ CAST(Extension as VARCHAR(12)) ELSE CAST(Extension as VARCHAR(12)) END AS Extn

  • RE: Converting Integer to Text


    Try this

    CASE WHEN [Extension]<'80' THEN '0' + CAST( Extension AS varchar(12)) ELSE [Extension] END AS Extn

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)