Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 517 total)

  • RE: Multiple Instances of SSRS in SQL 2017

    Thanks, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something obvious. That seems incredibly shortsighted. Even without licensing issues, we still have to run an entirely separate windows install...

  • RE: Updating SQL 2005 SP2

    Cool. Thanks guys. Sp4 it is.

  • RE: Creating a function to replace symbols with HTML names

    Thanks again. Drew, your suggestion worked...I was collating when I set the variable inside the function but not inside the replace statement...once I moved it there, everything seems honky dory...

  • RE: Creating a function to replace symbols with HTML names

    Thanks Drew - and Jeff if he reads this.

    Only issue I'm running into now is that it's replacing characters that shouldn't be, i.e.


    @2 NVARCHAR(200)

    SELECT @1 = 'athfawthfawf', @2...

  • RE: TempDB Log file full

    Ratheesh.K.Nair (9/28/2011)

    Derrick Smith (9/28/2011)

    Just a note here, the active transaction may not be in tempdb. It's most likely in your app database and is just using tempdb and therefore wont...

  • RE: Create Index based on execution plan

    Since you just mentioned the 15 row number...why are you indexing a 15 row table? Unless it's 300 columns wide or has ridiculous XML/varbinary(max)/image fields, reading 15 rows is incredibly...

  • RE: One index, or three?

    That would likely be best handled by one index unless you have some really odd where clauses or selects:


    (BuyerNumber, VendorNumber, WarehouseNumber)

    INCLUDE (Whatever COLUMNS ARE...

  • RE: Create Index based on execution plan

    gregory.anderson (9/28/2011)

    Rob Schripsema (9/28/2011)

    I'll venture that the 'OR' clause in the join statement is the issue here. You're looking for values that are either NULL (at one end of the...

  • RE: One index, or three?

    You're right. If you have three very different queries (pulling off different columns completely), then you should usually have 3 separate covering indexes to support them.

    As with all things though,...

  • RE: Strange error when running SSIS package in SQL Agent

    You'll get a different error if the login has the wrong password/no permissions/etc. To verify this, you can check the log on the server it's trying to connect to. If...

  • RE: TempDB Log file full

    Just a note here, the active transaction may not be in tempdb. It's most likely in your app database and is just using tempdb and therefore wont show up with...

  • RE: stored procedure and pass through

    Can you post the create table definitions for the Member_Time table?

    It sounds like the or member_time.time_out fields are not datetime fields and are probably varchar, and you have at...

  • RE: TSQL Quotes Within Quotes

    Try changing it to this:

    DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(4000)



    EXEC master.sys.sp_executesql @sql

    You have to...

  • RE: Linked server and identity_insert

    You'd have to switch it around:

    --Run on prod server

    set IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].


    INSERT INTO [dbo].




  • RE: Memory with a SQL Server 2008 R2 Cluster

    That best practice rule sounds like the case of having 1 instance on each node and being able to run both in case of a failover, i.e.

    Two nodes

    32gb each

    Two instances


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 517 total)