Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 28 total)

  • RE: Log File Issues with Mirroring

    Mohit .. you are right ...

    I backedup the log on Principal. Then I did a "shrink File" on Principal and the new log was much much smaller and the mirror...

  • RE: Log File Issues with Mirroring

    Mohit ..

    Are you sure that if I backup the Log with a Logbackup on the Principal that the truncation of the Principal Log will be reflected in the Mirror Log...

  • RE: Log File Issues with Mirroring

    Ok .. after a bunch of research ... does this make sense.

    1 Wait until both Principal and Mirror are in "synch".

    2 Pause Mirroring.

    3. Backup Principal Log and truncate while doing...

  • RE: Log File Issues with Mirroring

    Ok .. after a bunch of research ... does this make sense.

    Wait until both Principal and Mirror are in "synch".

    Pause Mirroring.

  • RE: The Certification Debate

    I wish that I had the time to go to a school and get a certificaton, although I'm not sure what I would do with it or how it would...

  • RE: Nightmares

    Earyly 1980' working as a consultant for an unanmed Atlanta based (started with a Tall...y) Corp. which was a holding company for Thom..  and Besides owning those clock and watch...

  • RE: Instant Querying

    Very funny Steve.

    Actually I think the previous commentors missed your point. MS has made things so much "better" that we're trying to get back to a command line just...

  • RE: Font size in Enterprise Manger .. SQL Server 2000


    Thanks, I alreay went the flat panel route .

    And I had already tried properties and that makes everything else really ugly. Guess, I'll have...

  • RE: Why is spam still a problem?

    Hunt them down with dogs I say ... They are probably the same guys that sold nukes and WMD to Iraq ...

  • RE: Enterprise Manager for SQL2000 on WinXP

    HB ..

    Your exactly right .. how the heck did that get by me .. I'm getting too old for this business. Why in the hell did they have to make...

  • RE: Patch and Protect

    I'm no security expert. I'm just a one man band that has put SQL Server and Window to good and profitable use but after reviewing Steve's article I seem to...

  • RE: The Daily Lookup

    The previous post is spot on .. this bad design is definitely the fault of the Republicans ...

  • RE: Service Pack Woes

    Why is it that the guys in Redmond just keep getting farther and farther away from any sense that real people are using their products in real life situation. The...

  • RE: A Good Reference

    Steve ,

    Not that this would sway your opinion one way or another but ... I'd come in a New York minute to one of your classes. WHere do we sign...

  • RE: Is XML the Answer?

    David Poole's response (two responses above) is spot-on and funny as hell. Brilliant observation !! XML carries all the logical bagage of EDI ... You still have to get on...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 28 total)