Forum Replies Created

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

  • RE: Should I Buy a Kindle?

    I've had my Kindle now for almost a week and thought I'd report on it. I totally love it. While it's not without its faults (the most glaring...

  • RE: Should I Buy a Kindle?

    cbellur (4/30/2008)

    My point is not that one should listen to books on an iPod. I probably didn't explain it well (and I don't know if the response is directed to...

  • RE: Should I Buy a Kindle?

    Read on my i-pod? Listen to an audiobook? I simply can't imagine doing the first, and I don't do the second because I prefer listening to music when...

  • RE: Should I Buy a Kindle?

    This is interesting - I'd been researching ebooks, and picked Kindle as what I wanted to buy when it finally became available again. Then I read this article, and...

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)