Forum Replies Created

Viewing 4 posts - 16 through 19 (of 19 total)

  • RE: Unique sql request

    Probably not very performant, but you could always use:

    ;with customer_name as


    SELECT *,SUM(rendered) OVER(PARTITION BY customername) as totalrendered from #customer






    FROM customer_name customer

    INNER JOIN #services serv on serv.serviceid = customer.serviceid

    WHERE totalrendered =...

  • RE: Using count and group by with multiple fields

    WIthout seeing some sample data, I would guess that something like this would work then:

    Select CREATE_OFFICE_TEAM_CD, COUNT(*) as number_of_office_team from MF_FORUM

    where WORKFLOW_ACTION_CD IN ('D', 'A')


  • RE: Using count and group by with multiple fields

    The issue seems to be that you are grouping by the field which shows the aggregated value

    Try Select count(CREATE_OFFICE_TEAM_CD), CREATE_DT as create_dt from MF_FORUM

    where WORKFLOW_ACTION_CD IN ('D', 'A')


  • RE: inserting same data into new table with different datatypes

    Thanks both - turns out it was a stupid typo making it not work in the end - d'oh!

Viewing 4 posts - 16 through 19 (of 19 total)