Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 151 through 165 (of 165 total)

  • RE: The Identity Debate

    Hi Jaholbrook: Your post comes down firmly in the anti-sid camp, but you didn't really say anything about why they are poor design, etc. Any thoughts?

  • RE: CREATE TABLE command error in SSMS vs EM

    That was my next question. thx.

  • RE: CREATE TABLE command error in SSMS vs EM

    Ahhh. Of course. That would make likely be it... Never thought of that. thx.

  • RE: The College Experience

    On the subject of degrees: First degree was a B.A. honors in Japanese language and literature, post grad work in Japan, 11 years there in trade and finance. ...

  • RE: The College Experience

    On the topic of welders and such, I work in a factory that employs a number of them, and it is at least as hard to find one capable of...

  • RE: The Indian Yes

    I worked in Japan for 11 years (I am fluent in written and spoken Japanese, as well as German), and can attest that ANY two cultures coming together will result...

  • RE: Reporting Services Makes Server Support Easier

    Hello Carolyn:

    I had a question about one item in the article.  In a textbox on the report there is the following snippet of 'code' visible:


    What is that "First" all about? ...

  • RE: Data At Home

    Ha Ha!!  Cheers.

  • RE: Data At Home

    Well, I think this is the first time I am really, truly, completely different. 

    I have no computer at home.  I don't have any email, television reception, cell phone reception,...

  • RE: Moving averages not calculating by group

    Sergiy:  RE comment #2:  Very good!  I hadn't spotted that.  Thanks very much.  I will now compare the results of the two queries to see if they are actually identical....

  • RE: Moving averages not calculating by group

    I tried rewriting it as a subquery, and that seems to work fine.  Thanks anyway.


    SELECT f.Silo


     ,(SELECT CONVERT(numeric(4,2),AVG(1.0*g.extcdb))

     FROM vwKPIMaltSiloExt g

     WHERE g.Silo=f.Silo 

     AND g.receivedate BETWEEN DATEADD(dd,-10,f.receiveDate) and f.receivedate


  • RE: The Arms Race

    Regarding the double underline experiment, I have found in general that the 'links' were utterly useless -- completely unconnected to the double underline topic or the article itself.  If they...

  • RE: The DBA Whoops

    I had a similar event last week.  Unfortunately it didn't end so well. 

    The critical part in your damage control method is backups, and I found out the hard way...

  • RE: Interviewing

    The last thing is that I tend to go into jobs at this stage of my life looking for a long term fit. I want a job to last me...

  • RE: sysprocesses::nt_username Empty

    I ran into a similar issue in an intranet app. Because the IP addresses are not static, there is not a 1:1 relationship. I had to do a...

Viewing 15 posts - 151 through 165 (of 165 total)